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Power and Vengeance:

An outlook on the life of Magus

I wrote this epic as a project in study.It is not entirely I changed it. Here it is, read for your enjoyment...or not.

Flow, black wind, through my body, through my mind.
Passing of time, cease for the sorceror, the great.
The chosen time has come.

Here is the tale, of the great mage.
Born into one time, lived through another.
Revenge he seeks, for the destruction of Lavos;
Upon the destroyer of all time.

The Kingdom of Zeal was Janus' home,
Until Lavos overpowered the queen, the throne.
Controlled her body, controlled her mind,
The being called Lavos destroyed the haven;
Wrecked havoc upon the Enlightened Ones.

They lived in peace, with their power,
Slept through the day, nearly every hour.
No pain, no sorrow, Lavos had once been their friend.
But his power was great, too great for mortals.
He was their beginning, and also their end.

Janus was sent away, far away.
All others perished, yet he was saved.
He grew to be older, and powerful was he.
Rebuilt the world, with his magic and might.

At last, he succeeded;
He won the loyalty of a nation,
Ruler made, was he.
His lair, dark and tall,
Overlooked the land,showing,
The strength of the Mystics, his people.

He won many battles, and gained much land.
His kingdom stood strong against Guardia, the other.
They invaded it, destroyed their towns,
Magus wanted to right all their wrongs.
That one view was not shared by the other;
Guardia did not know whom he was, what happened to him.
They sent the best, to destroy this mage,
Soon, they would arrive.

The thoughts of Lavos had once been forgotten;
Such a small child was he when what happened, happened.
The anger built, vexed was his soul.
He decided to stake his revenge,
Upon the one who destroyed his life, his kingdom.

Neuga, ziena, zieber zom;
The chosen time had come.
Magus used his power, and
Summoned Lavos to his throne.
The assassins then arrived.

He was stopped; to fight the trio.
But Lavos came, and summoned them all.
Magus was sent back to the time,
Where the Enlightened Ones reigned.

Guardia's mercenaries did not makie it,
They perished from his power.
Magus lived, and journeyed to prevent Lavos,
From awakening, from his fury being unleashed,
And the destruction of the kingdom.
He went to the Queen, disguised as a prophet.
He warned her, of the future,
The coming of their destruction.

But Zeal wanted immortality, they continued to thrive,
Upon the power of Lavos, they grew increasingly near,
To their deathh, the cause of destruction.
They went too far, and disturbed the immortal,
His fury was cast upon them, and the kingdom destroyed.
Magus stayed, in the ruins, in the dark,
Waiting for Lavos to return.

Magus prevailed, and destroyed the being.
All time was stopped, the world changed.
The hurt was gone, the ruins rebuilt.
As if a curse had been removed,
All was as before.

Magus continued to reing,
Guiding himself, Janus,
To become powerful, and one day win,
The title of King, the ruler of all.

Years passed, time flew,
There was no pain in the Kingdom of Zeal.
All was perfect, they loved their ruler.
They loved the one who saved them all;
He delivered them from pain, from evil.
He gave them the power of sleep, of eternal bliss.
No ordinary sleep that was; it was the sleep of death.

Magus changed history, he changed the world.
He destroyed the destructor of the planet.
Lavos was the choice of Lavos, but he was gone.
Fate's new choice was Janus, the most powerful of all.

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