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A realm where time has no meaning..

Greetings and Salutations, and welcome to the realm that I am imprisoned to. My name is Simgar, the keeper of this place . Here, you will find portals that will lead you further in your journey...the best of luck to you, my friend..

Here are portals that will lead you deeper into Fate's Grasp. If any of these portals you see fit to travel to, then please go ahead. If not, I hope the other portals may please you more.

Thoughts on Life

Power and Vengeance

Sounds of Time

The Restless Soul

Silver Roses RPG

A Dedication to Chrono Trigger

These portals will take you out of this place, and onto other realms... If you so decide to leave here, then I bid you farewell. If not, then you may browse around this place, this place of nothingness..

Insane Geniuses

Kashira (Brooke's new site)

Magus' Threshold

The Hub of my Sanity

If you would so desire to have any of my images or backgrounds, please contact me at
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Page last updated - Saturday, the Nineteenth of January, Year Two-Thousand and Two