Thank you for checking out the EWF, the EWF was started last year as a farm fed
for the RAWF.
Unfortunately due to time and lack of amount of time to work on the fed I had to
close it. It was my first attempt at Running a fed, several times before I had
been VP but never a Prez. The main concern was the cards, I strived for the same
quality as RAWF's card which are all hand written and very well produced, but
also very time consuming. Here in the EWF I am combining both Hand written cards
with simed cards.
This is where the EWF will differ from other feds, where as they either hand
write their cards, or just sim them. I use the simed results as a base for the
card, it gives me the flow of the match and any repetitiveness I correct by
hand. It is after the card has been simed that I go in, add more commentary, add
angle's, add segments for storylines and such. I call this style of card and
fed, a "Hybrid" type card. Because it uses both sim and hand writen aspects. So
what does this mean for you? Since I don't have to spend all my time on the
card, I can work on the fed more to add more features that you guys want that
you suggest, I can spend more time talking with all of you when you need advice
on an angle or anything. It also means more matches, since I can do a hybrid
card with up to 8 in as much time as it takes for a few matches on a fully hand
writen card, it makes for cards with a broader range of matches, not just opener
match, low card match, mid card match, then main event. Now there can be several
open card matches, several mid card matches, and a couple of high card matches.
I am a past e-feder (and have been for almost 6 years), and I wanted to create a
fed where fun is the main goal. There are few feds out now that realize it's
about fun, not fame, or glory. Cause when your hobby turns into a job, it's no
longer fun, just work. So even if you decide not to join the EWF remember to
have fun wherever you go, and good luck.
-President Seth