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Sexy Government: All About Cynthia

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This is a page that's all about me!

Name:Cynthia Brown

Nicknames:Sexy Government, Cynthia Government, Government Lover, Government Grrrl, Sexy Cynthia, LilCynthiaBrown, Carol's Little Sister, Cyn-cyn, Cynnie-loo, Illmakeyoucyn, Cynful, Cynfully Delicious, Cynfully Sexy, Sexy Cyn, Cynnie

Age: 23

Occuptation: Government Employee

DOB: February 28, 1979

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Proudly Single


Catchphrase(s):Sexy is as Sexy does, Gay is a strong word

Hobbies:Need you ask? I'm a nymphomaniac!! SEX IS MY ENTIRE LIFE, DAMMIT!!! And my favorite hobby, too!

Family: Leo Govern (ex-husband and half-stepbrother,22); Carol Govern (sister,27yrsold); Nina Govern (niece,4); Jared Govern(nephew,10); Harold Williamson (ex-stepdad,45)

Friends: Ahem. Ho hum, Cough, Cough! Hehe. Well, obviously I have a friends section, and that would include my friends ... but .... I'm always looking for new friends and/or lovers, if you know what I mean, sweaty thong!

If there's any information I forgot to include about myself or anything else you'd like to know, all ya gots ta do is ask ...

Now for my pics! I hope you enjoy them ... I didn't have pics for a LOOONG time, because we don't have a scanner and I kept meaning to go to Kinkos, but just never did! Oh, well! I finally went about a week ago, and got these pics, so check 'em out, and tell me whether or not you think I'm worthy of the name Sexy Government!

Also, keep in mind that these pics span the past 10 years ... the oldest one is from when I was 13! A few of these are from when I was in high school, and the rest are college-present day. They're all jumbled together, but the most recent one is the one on the main page (I think it's the middle one in the bottom row here, but I'm not too sure). Anyway, be sure to let me know what you think ... I'm always looking for ways to improve my style!

Home | Inner Cynner | Eroticambrosia | Diary Dram-o-rama | Fickle Friends | A Past to Remember | Anime Alcove | Breathtaking Bishonen | Beautiful Bishoujo | Treasure Trove | Guestbook | Pleasure Palace
