Professor Connie’s New Column, EXCLUSIVE to Erotic Relationships!
Hello Darlings! This is Professor Connie speaking. It feels so good to be back, after my short/long hiatus of several weeks and/or months! My, how I missed shedding light upon the problems of those who sought my advice!
Not only am I back, but my NEW column also has a NEW theme—relationships! And, my column has found a new home on the internet—Erotic Relationships, a new section of Eroticambrosia on the website of my wonderful and dear friend, Cynthia Brown, with whom I am currently residing in the home of her dear sister.
Now, this new column is still in the beginning stages, so who is to say how often a new column will come out? At the moment, I think I will begin with monthly installments, because with my last column, it became terribly difficult for me to continue shoving out my columns weekly. After all, writing a column is a lot of work, and in addition to all the other work I must perform, such as that of cosmetology and professor at Yorktown Academy Beauty School (YABS), why I simply don’t have all the time necessary in order to write my column the way I should!
But rest assured. I read every letter and/or email personally, although I simply do not have time to craft a response to all of them. And every column is handled with loving care by yours truly, as well as my editors, assistants, staff, and anyone else who might wish to view said article.
So, my dearly beloved fans, Professor Connie is back and better than ever, and ready to help you solve all of your relationship problems!
Watch for the first of my NEW columns, out by the end of September!
Professor Connie