Greetings, Merry Meet Fine Traveler, and Welcome!
Here lies the abode of the Lady Luciferra's Mun. Yes, that's right, that rather freaky girl with way too many different characters. And the one who constantly posts on the long side with flowing descriptions ;)
And to keep track of those names, here you have the full list.
And look!
*points frantically*
There are even descriptions!
And for those of you who don't like my nice descriptive language, there's even an "At A Glance" quick list of the character's traits.
Now you should all be happy. So sit down, relax, watch the flames, let the stars be your guide, and enjoy!
I know I stopped RPing for about the past 3.5 months, and it's sucked. I'm attempting to get all my characters back free and keep their storylines straight, so I can start again, sobear weith me as I update this whole site.