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Back To Sleep
Dreams of a dark brown haired man
Always come to me when I close my eyes.
I see his dark brown eyes looking down at me,
I feel his strong arms around me,
Holding me close.
I wake up to realize that he is not here
Then I long to fall back to sleep.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Pain inside I cannot control
Anger beating at my soul
Black surrounds us one and all
Deceit is what fills the moral hall
Back stabbers left and right
They come to kill you in the night
Should I believe a word they say?
Should I just turn and walk away?
My blood is coming to a boil
Now it's time to start the toil
Should I kill or let it be
Insanity burns in the heart of me.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


The blood flows freely to my mind
Killing me and killing time
Drilling harder as it goes
Eating up my heart and soul
Can't you see what you have done to me
Leaving me on the count of three?
Loving me until I'm dead.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Blood and Rain
Blood and rain fall from my broken heart.
A heart that once ran wild with passion
Has now turned into stone.
Blood and rain fall from my loves deep brown eyes.
Eyes that once looked into mine with love and longing
Are now gray with sorrow.
Blood and rain fall from our souls.
Two souls that once were insepretable
Are now torn apart at the jagged seems.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Pain is burning in my mind.
Will they ever understand,
Or at least try?
They think that they are better than
Everyone else.
Why wont they just shut up?
Their cruel words
Drill into my bones.
Their hatred
Makes my blood boil
Until I explode!
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


I thought our love would last forever,
But I was wrong.
I dreamed or us together until our dying days,
But that will never happen.
I loved you with all of my heart and soul,
But did you?
I tried to mend your broken heart,
But it was all in vain.
I still love you with all that I have in my soul,
But how do you feel about me?
I pray every night that we will soon be again,
But will that day ever come?
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*

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