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My Personal Poetry

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Well, I see you have found the part of my page that I am the most proud of. This is where I share my feelings, thoughts, experiences, and the twisted depression of my insane little mind. Some of them are cheesy and some are rather deep. But no matter what they are all mine.. please no copying. Hope you enjoy. *Poems are now arranged in alphabetical order*

*~* Musika *~*

1:30 AM
As I lie awake at night
Visions of our love swim through
My brain,
Well what brain I have left.
I love being with you because you
Bring out the real me,
The me nobody knows,
The freaky yet beautiful me.
I never have to ask you if you love me
I can see it in your eyes
The way you hold me
The way you kiss me,
Everything about you!
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*