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Carry On
Once I was walking in the woods and I heard the sound of laughter,
I stopped to listen and a voice said to me
"Carry On."
So I continued my walk and found a little bird lying on the ground.
I stopped to pick it up but the voice said to me
"Carry on."
I kept on walking until I reached a beautiful waterfall with a silver unicorn,
I stopped to pet the unicorn but the voice continued
"Carry on."
I got to where my friends were waiting and I told them about the strange voice.
Then the strange voice said
"Carry on no more."
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Death has filled my soul.
Hatred and pain fill my ever changing eyes.
Darkness has covered my heart.
The taste of blood fills my mouth.
I long to be in the heat of the endless fire.
Power flows through my veins and shoots out the
tips of my fingers.
My eyes flash black,
My flesh goes pale,
As the sweet blood drips from my teeth.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Child, please don't cry,
I will still be here when the sun starts to rise.
Child, please don't fear,
I will let no harm come your way.
Child, please trust in me,
I will love you as my own until the very end.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*
Dedicated To: My little brother, M.S.D.


Cloaked In Black Like The Night
Cloaked in black
Like the night
I will run away
To where my soul may be free
To fly
To love
Without envy or hate
To a place unknown
By all others
Except one
A place only two can get to
A place where my love
Waits for me
Cloaked in black
Like the night
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Cold Blood
Cold blood flows
Through veins
And ropes
And the moon
Brings light
Into my dark soul
Bringing out devils
And demons
I scream out
Your name
But you
Never answer to
My voice
Stabbing the night
Like a knife
Or fire
Or bloodshed
From my heart
To the heart
Of my one
True love
Which is my
Cold blood.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Cold Soul
I'm tired of life always bringing me down,
With no escape,
And no sound
People always pushing me around
Hurting me until I hit the ground
The only thing that can be found
Is the stake in my heart
Which impales me to the darkness of
My cold and lonely soul
I may look peaceful and content
But if you only knew the thoughts
That posses my fragmented brain
You would agree that looks can be rather deceiving
Not even love can calm the anguish
And hatred that eats away at me
And will continue to eat
Until finally I am gone
And dead.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


Come Away With Me
Come away with me,
My love,
To where we can be together
As one until the life beats out of us both.

Come away with me,
My love,
To a place here by the candle light
Where I can hold you and never have to
Say the words good-bye.

Come away with me,
My love,
So that the love we share
Can grow stronger
And tighten the bond we keep
In the depths of our souls
So no one will steal it away.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*


I am confused,
Calm and peaceful,
As I sit here
In the silence
Thinking, wondering
Appreciating how things are
Happy that my life has slowed down a bit
But missing the chaos at the same time.
Wishing, at times
That I had more to do
A job maybe,
Something to make me feel useful once again
To give some purpose to this life.
Wondering what to say
Or how to say it
Or even if I should say
Anything at all.
*~* Amanda E. Dockus *~*

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