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First I would like to say: I'm not a wiccan or a performer of witchcraft (yet?). All I've done is searching the web for information on Wicca because I'm, let us say, interested in Wicca.

Here are some really interesting links to all kinds of Wicca pages:  : This is a search engine for everything that has something to do with the occult. : This is a GREAT site from a friend of mine. She is an eclectic teen Wiccan from Holland. : This is another site from my Dutch friend with all kinds of links about Wicca, a great resource. : Over here you van find all kinds of stuff about Wicca.


Now, first I want to give MY opinion on Christianity. Please, everybody who reads this, do not be offended, everything you believe as true, is true for you, but this is my opinion. I believe that religion is an invention of mankind for explaining what they can't explain. You can easily see this in the earliest cultures: the celts, the greeks, they had gods for the weather, for dead,... all the things they couldn't (really) explain. Then comes evolution, MOST humans start believing in one god, but they still believe he controles life and dead, they still believe he created the earth and the weather, ... So nothing has really changed. And then, right about our time, humans start doing science and stuff, and they discover all kinds of things about our evolution, why weather acts like it acts, why people die. But still, man believes in this one god, who created all of it. The worshippers of this god make statements declaring they don't really believe their god created the world, that people don't die from his wrath. There are still things like heaven and hell but hey, who cares. But I think, now we should go back to this believe in the one thing that is really amazing, even though it's been totally explained, and that thing is nature. Nature still exists, and has been here for ever. Nature is magic. When you see how beautiful a flower is, when you feel how old and powerful a tree is. When you see the rage of a waterfall then you see what nature is. And it's not a god or a goddess Wicca worships, it is nature itself. Wicca represents nature by the Goddess and God, the 2 components of nature. You can call the moon female and the sun male. Just because it seems to you like the beauty of a woman is represented in the moon and the strenght of a man is represented in the sun. Anyways, the only thing that deserves to be loved, to be worshipped, is nature and as we are a part of nature, we have its power in ourselves.