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About me
Liquid Ice
Divine Divinity
Funny stuff
e mail

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Divinity Wallpaper curently on my desktop, click it if you want it too !

About me

Ok, I see you've made it to the about me thingy. Hmmm, and now you probably expect to find out something about me huh ? Ok, I thought so, well, first I'd like to say something about my friends. I think I've got a lovely bunch of friends. Not too many, not too much, just right. And well, those of you who know me probably know I can be the most annoying person. I know I know, that's just me, but if you really know me, you probably also know I don't mean to be like that, and sometimes, well sometimes I try to be nice and stuff. I hope you've noticed ...

And now really about me, I'm Neville De Wit, maybe known to you as Soulflyer, my nickname on the internet. (Yeah yeah, I know, pathetic little creepy letters). Actually there was a song made about me and you can find it right over HERE. I was born on the 2nd of August in the year 1983, so now you guys can figure out how old I am. I'm interested in all kinds of stuff, music, books, beautiful things, art, fantasy and all those little pleasures of life. Eumm, well, there are some pictures of me but today (27/6/2001) I went through some changes and I'll try to have a picture of me how I am now soon.