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Molestus Doctrina

Here i have some things of a nature akin to lore forgotten, and akin to poetry of a most occult nature.
I'll share them with you dear reader, in the hope that you may put them to some good use.
But please be aware that for any actions taken by you, with this knowledge, i am not in the slightest bit to be held responsible.

The first is a poem, from a book called harlequin.
However, by its very nature it can also be used as a ritual chant for results most dire.

From the focus of my heart, I call the words
of anger spoken and desire revealed
by my blood consecrate thy bane invoked
thy shape and form decreed never was

On thy physical form,
i call the words of rendering
on thy hates,
i invoke justice, thy anger unappeased

on thy past in shadows,i shine the light revealed
on thy loves and joys, i gift seperation
on thy spirit, i speak abandomenton
thy future,i bring fear and grief
on thee i invoke all

the winds shall erase thy name
the sands the traces of thy path
the sun the coolness of thy shadow
and into the waters i command thy essence
thy shape and form decreed never was

Next is a nasty little simple spell meant for harm.

Sickening Curse


2ft length of chains (iron)

Lump of meat (pig)

Green ribbon 2ft long


Write the name of the victim on the ribbon 3 times on either side

=I write this name that i abhore, i write this name so that it be bound, i'll bury this meat where it can't be found=

Wrap the ribbon around the meat and tie it off

=I tie this ribbon about this meat, this meat be yours, and it will sicken=

Wrap the chain about the meat, and lock the two ends together

=I lock this chain and this curse, til the lock is undone you will hurt=

Bury the meat where it wont be found by anyone but you

=I bury this meat where it cant be found, The meat is you, i abhore you, i bury you, this meat will sicken and grean as will you, maggots will eat this meat and this meat is you. Maggots will be your company from this day forth til the meat is gone and the lock is undone, i abhore you, i curse you i bury you, you are nothing to me but meat.=

Next is something that i have sent in to a number of the Elists i am on.

There are two ways of creating a -lesser one-/little man.
The Created
The 1st of which involves a lot of blood of sheep, they are docile and go where they are lead, so this is the quality distilled from the blood, it was disstilled in a manner likened to purifying water through tubes by boiling it, letting the steam condense etc then starting all over again til you had 9 times distilled enough blood to go in to 2 litre (or there abouts) statue. The statue is of a woman, squat, fat and heavily pregnant, also very ugly, looks matter not for the task that the servent must do.
The liquid is poured in through the vaginal orrifice, and once it is all in, the alchemist must mate with the statue whilst saying very exact words, the sex must last as long as the words, if the alchemist goes for longer than the original words then he may name the qualities that the -lesser one- is to possess.
Once the alchemist has added his seed and said the words, he closes the vaginal slot with clay and salt, and fires it in a sanctified kiln, once it has spent 9 hours in the kiln it must be burried and left for 9 months, the time which the human body takes to bring forth life.
Once the alloted time has passed, the alchemist must dig the statue back up ad break it open and name the creature inside, for the first 3 months he is to be its father (of a sort) and the creature will grow at an alarming speed.
It can only be sustained on meat (raw), and if not fed enough it will turn on its master, but any harm done to the master will also harm the creature.
It can grow to the same size as a 6 year old unless the alchemist during the sexual process names its grossest size (largest).
The creature would last for about 7 years, unless the creator of it was done a great harm or if his house was blessed by a follower of christ, inwhich case it woud die with in a week.
It could be as stong as a grown man.
Thats the way a created homonoculi is made.

Now i shall tell of how the 2nd kind come in to being.
The Born
The alchemist, if he is true to the following, will have no wife, nor get of his loins other than those that he wishes to be his -made one-.
The alchemist must join with a woman for whom he cares not at all, no relative should she be to him.
They should join in the divine way, and with the aid of hermes and aphrodite the seed shall bring in to being one who is to be born slave.
The 'gender' should be anointed with oils and with blood, also the lips must be smeared with this mixture.
Apon the forehead must be placed a sign, one on each of the conjoined, one of the sun and one of the moon, the he and she.
Apon the finishing of the union, any spilt liquid must be smeared apon the lips and forehead, one more enforcing the sigils.
Once it is known that the woman is with child she must live with the alchemist, helping him with his tasks.
When she gives birth the alchemist himself must bring the baby out through her womb and not through the natural means.
This will kill the mother, but the child will not have been born in the natural way and as such owes its life to the alchemist, for all its life being the slave and servant, it will be born with the knowledge its mother learned, which can be little or a good deal.
It will grow no faster nor slower than a normal child. None may know of the child other than those who are true to the path.
Should another person see the child before it is ten summers of age it will rebel from the master and attempt to kill him and use any means necesary to do this.
Should the tenth summer come and pass and no others have seen the child then it will until its dying day be the slave of the creator/father.
The mothers body is to be burnt no more than 3 days after the child is born.

(small note here, if the mother sees the baby then that also will casue it to rebel apon the tenth summer. The mother was often tied down, 'blinded and silenced' ie with her eyes removed or ruined and her tongue cut out)

Next is a ritual that i myself have gone through.
This ritual is intended to come after a new member has been accepted in to the group. Once the group has all been purified they may proceed on with the ritual following.
It Must take place in a Sanctified area where the group can perform naked.
Where the ritual says Magus, this is indicative of the leader of the group.
Where the ritual says Accolyte, this is indicative of he/she who is being accepted in to the group.
Part One
The group as a whole must meditate for a full hour, in silence, letting them selves become clear of mind.
The Magus may during the hour chant a calming stanza.
Part Two
The group, now clear of mind must be led through a physical cleansing, done by the Magus.
This often involves the group dis-robing and the Magus, with a bowl/cauldron of warm water and annointing oils.
Once the Magus has cleansed himself first, he moves to the most senior, then through the ranks until the Accolyte is the last cleansed.
(note, the water must be changed after 2 or 3 people)
Once all are cleansed, all of them, in the same order are anointed by the Magus, with the oils.
The group must re-robe.
Part Three
Once the group has been cleansed of mind and body they must undergo a further hour of meditation, once more in silence, during which the Magus may chant the same stanza as before.
Part Four
The group, kneeling around the Magus, must then call apon the Magus to bring forth the new life in to the circle which is the world.
The magus must refuse this first request.
The group, now apon one knee, must ask the magus once more to bring forth the new life in to the circle which is the world.
The magus must refuse this second request, saying that he cannot bring forth life is there is no vessal for this life.
The group must the as a third time to bring forth a new life in to the circle which is the world, and they will bring him the vessal for the life to be born in.
The Magus must apon this third request accept and asks who will be the vessal for the life force to be born into.
The accolyte must stand and say that he will be the vessal, for he is but a husk, a shell, and asks to be born anew.
The Magus must accept and beckon the accolyte to the center of the circle.
The accolyte must do this, standing an arms length and a half away from the Magus.
The magus must take a knife that has been blessed/sanctified, and hold it pointing to the Accolytes Chest and then says the following.
:You who are empty, you who are nameless, you who are without life in this world, i mark you and impregnate you, you who is the vessal, you who is born anew i name you, and i name you ...(insert group/craft style name, one word long)...:
The circle stands fully, and repeats the name then takes one step forward to the center then say the following.
:you who was hollow, you who was naught, we welcome you to us, we welcome you ...(insert name here)...:
The outer circle then kneel on one knee again.
The accolyte then kneels before the Magus and thanks them for the gift and the name they are given.
The magus then kisses the forehead of the Accolyte and steps back and points them back to the place in the circle they came from.
The accolyte goes back to his place and kneels in the same manner as the group.
Part Five
The group then once more performs the Mental cleansing ritual.
Part Six
The group then performs the Physical cleansing ritual.
Part Seven
The group again performs the Mental cleansing ritual.
After this the group is finished and must leave the sanctified area.

Hiding the Self
This ritual is for those who fear karma or the three fold law.
It removes the casters names so that no deeds done by them in other rituals may be traced back to them by spirits of revenge/lords of karma.
6X 6inch wide by 2feet long black heavy cloth strips
to do:
1- Stand on the sea shore, whilst the tide is out at night
2- Write your name with the staff/blade in full on the shore, also any pet names and craft names you have, also if you know it, write your true name as well.
3- say the following
=keepers of the deep, i give you my name, let no others have it=
4-wrap one length of cloth about each of your feet, say the following
=tide, when my name is taken, take also my steps with you, let them not show where i go nor to where i hail from=
5- wrap one length of cloth about your groin, say the following
=let not my sex nor my seed show where i am, let them be null and void, let no deed done by them be taken for accountance=
6- wrap a length of cloth around each of your wrists and palms, say the following
=let these hands be clean, let that which comes to pass be not found on them, let no deed done by them be taken for accountance=
7- wrap the final peice of cloth about your neck and eyes, say the following
=let no words from this mouth be found, let that which is said by me be silent but heard, let no deed done by my mouth be taken for accountance, let no deed seen by these eyes be taken for accountance=
8- stand on the sea front until the tide has come in enough to cover the name and erase it.
then leave the area, do not look back, when you are more than 20 meters from the ritual point, remove the cloth bindings and get dressed once more.
Go about what ever business or rituals you need to do in anonimimty.
Thats all the stuff i care to share at the moment, These items are not the typical thing i use, these are very short rituals, well perhaps most of them are.

More Stuff HERE


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