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Saghirah's Links!


* Updated 4th January 2003

Amanda Roberts - friend, fellow dancer and member of Stav Australia - Sydney, Australia  
Bill & Gaynor - Original members of the Grey Company - Perth, Australia  
Callum - the scoundrel! ;-) (& member of Grey Co.) - Perth, Australia (Broken link at present)  
Gintaras - a fellow (male and professional) dancer! - Sydney, Australia  
Kate (Aislinn) - another friend and member of The Grey Co. - Perth, Australia (Broken link at present)  
Jasmine - a fellow (gorgeous!) dancer - Perth, Australia  
Jillian - also a fellow dancer ;-) (& member of Grey Co.) - Perth, Australia  
Nadira - a fellow dancer and mentor! - Perth, Australia  
RichGoth - a friend of a friend and now ICQ buddy - Sydney, Australia  
Sonja K Butt - a lovely friend and fabulous photographer in Sydney, Australia  
Spikey Cat (aka Feronia)- another gorgeous (dare I say "Goth"?) friend and fellow Taurean - Melbourne, Australia  

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