this page is for info/pix etc on trevor and i. its *~*our*~* page :)


[my heart is a *black rose* that belongs only to my husband trevor ]

[i am happily married to my bestfriend and soulmate, trevor.we were married by justice of the peace and handfasted halloween 2004. it was a gothic/midevil/wiccan themed wedding . we have runic tattoo wedding bands, and silver celtic eternal knot wedding bands. i wore a black and purple velvet gothic dress and he also wore black. my boquet was black and purple roses. it was the happiest day of my life.]

[every year for our wedding anniversary trevor gets me 1 silk black rose as part of my anniversary present.]

[trevor is the sexiest, sweetest, most romantic, funniest, most creative, unique, crazy, and wonderful guy alive! and hes hotter than any other man out there ;) hes more amazing than i could ever have dreamed of. he doesnt even look at other women. hes not a typical guy in ANY way. he prefers to be with me than out with the guys. he always holds my hand, and tells me he loves me a dozen times a day. hes perfect in every way. and he always knows just what to say when i have pms. i love him to death. hes my soulmate, my husband, my lover, my best friend.]

[trevor and i are soulmates. we are one, mind, body, & soul. we knew from the moment we met eachother. we have a deep spiritual and psychic bond that other couples dont have. we arent by any means a traditional couple. we love eachother more than most couples if not all couples do. and what we have is beyond special and unique. we met through a now ex-friend of ours. we started talking online, and after a week of talking we decided to go out. and when we met it was amazing. it was love at first sight. we knew we were meant to be. we fell in love the first weekend we spent together. and we havent spent a weekend apart since. before we moved in together we talked everyday on the phone and online. we have an amazing relationship. we were eachother's firsts and only's - something that most couples do not share thats very special to us. we are romeo and juliet. no one is more meant to be together than us. we are true soulmates. it will be 3 years april 06. and we know how crazy we are- how crazy it was we found eachother and how alike we are.]

[we both hate kids and dont want them so we have 5 cats instead.]

[we live in a wonderful 2 bedroom appartment. no house with a white picket fence for us. blah.]

[some weird things we have in common: we both love sobe and its one of the first things we had in common and were both drinking it constantly when we first met cause it reminded us of the other. we love japanese food! and all things japanese and hope to one day visit there. mr and mrs smith is one of OUR romantic movies* hahaha. we both are obsessed with fight club. we both are huge beatles fans. we both love trigun. and batman begins, and christian bale movies. we both love friday the 13th movies, brad pitt, and the punisher. we also love powerpuff girls, spongebob squarepants, cats and george a. romero movies.]


our wedding plaque and handfasting ribbons


our wedding

our appartment


our my space page


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trevor and me dec 05

we were married october 31st 2004! the ceremony was beautiful! and we had a wonderful reception!!! our handfasting was beautiful too!!!


MY FAV THINGS ABOUT TREVOR - the way he loves me, how he's very protective of me, the way he touches me, the way he hugs me in his sleep, his creativity, his hot body ;) , how he always calls me from work even though i never ask him to, his generous nature, the way he kisses, the way he notices everything i do, the way he takes care of me when i am sick, the way he does everything he can to make me happy, how he says if anyone hurts me he will "beat the crap out of them" , the way he thinks holding hands is "so special". the way he tells me i am 'different' and 'beautiful', the way she shows me he loves me. the way he says he has 'no need to look an any other girl' because he has me (unlike most guys who gawk at everything). hes sweet , loving, cynical, sarcastic, kind, crazy, unique, romantic, and everything i want in a man. i love my husband with all my heart. he is my soulmate.


Scorpio & Gemini

What a contrast! Airy Gemini and mysterious Scorpio are bound to be an eccentric pair, delighting in their differences. The Scorpion is an intense and intuitive creature, trusting instinct more surely than reason; a detached and lofty Gemini will rationalize and explain. They evolve together with a harmony of purpose, curiosity, and appetite. As long as Gemini is faithful, this pair of opposites will be a source of the greatest thrills of agony and ecstasy - especially in private.


our things:

OUR MOVIE(S)- mr and mrs smith, romeo and juliet

OUR SONG(S)- "in my life", the beatles, "short stories with tragic endings" by from autumn to ashes

OUR GAME- the sims, and diablo


things we have in common:

FAV BAND- the beatles, from autumn to ashes

FAV MOVIES- fight club, the punisher, donnie darko, batman begins, american psycho

FAV TV SHOWS- law and order svu, the simpsons

FAV ANIME SERIES- trigun, ceres, inuyasha

FAV COLOR - teal/green , though i have others too

FAV SLASHER FILM - freddy vs jason

HATE/DISLIKE - nirvana, tool, pop music, britney, avril, ignorant people, stupid people, posers

WE BOTH LIKE - body art, tattoos, eyebrow piercings, magick, horror movies, from autumn to ashes, old navy, the color black, the color red, inuyasha, the twilight zone, return of the living dead, celtic art/designs, chinese food, japanese food, dunkin donuts, brad pitt, johnny depp, se7en, pirates of the carribean, edward scissorhands, tim burton, david fincher, lotr, cats, new york city, linkin park, rob zombie, powerman 5000, adema, avenged sevenfold, batman, batman animated series, christian bale

SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF TREVOR: "save yourself" by stabbing westward" (its a long story but i used to listen to it all the time when we first met), "short stories with tragic endings" by from autumn to ashes, "chloroform perfume" by from autum to ashes, "carry you" by dispatch, anything by dispatch


trevor!!! my sexy man!!!


trevor with batman...





these are pix from 2003 when trevor and i first met!!

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