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  Welcome to the city proper.  
  Major Landmarks:

A - People's Park
This sprawling public garden is home to the usual expected scenic wonders as well as few surprises, including Giant Spiders, rogue Winter Wolves, and rowdy gangs of wandering hooligans.

B - Noble's Ward
The posh, upper-class residential community of Griffondale's most wealthy nobility and landed gentry. Property taxes here are enough to bankrupt a small kingdom.

C - Vale Manor
The home of Griffondale's most successful 'business man', Kyle Vale, this huge property is part casino, part brothel . . . Vegas meets the Playboy mansion . . . don't take up on the offer to stay overnight . . . it's whispered that it's owner is a Vampire Lord . . .

D - Griffondale Coliseum
Home of the bloody Grifondale Gladiatorial League, this stadium is owned by Kyle Vale is generally Griffondale's hot-spot on the weekends when Fight-Night rolls around.

E - Bridge Gate
Entry into the city proper form the south.

F -The Academy of Arcane Arts
The famous school of wizardry and college of sorcery that has produced no fewer than three of the world's most notorious mages. Within its aged and musty halls can be found a staff of curious and often eclectic wizards and their timid and terrified apprentices.

G - The Municipal Bestiary
Griffondale's equivalent of a zoo, this destination features live exhibitions of the world's weirdest creatures and deadliest beasts. But its completely safe . . . mostly.

H - Twisted Tower
Official known as the Museum of Arcane Wonders, most Griffondalers call it Twisted Tower for it's bizarre and distinctive shape. On display are replicas of the various rare magic items and artifacts stored within its impregnable vaults.

I - Temple Square
The Big Peanut's Centre for Spirituality, Health & Wellness, the Temple Square is collective of shrines and churches who have agreed to put aside their religious differences in order to make big bucks offering short and long-term care to the public.

J - Mourner's Field
Griffondale's major public cemetery and graveyard. Yeah, let's put thousands of recently deceased together in one place . . . make it real convenient for necromancers and evil priests.

K - The Clock Tower
A marvel of engineering and design in that it has never worked properly since the day it was built.

L - The Court of Nobles & the City Administration Offices
Here's where the Nobles and Landed Gentry assemble to make and revise laws, forge and shape city policy, debate the future of Griffondale and otherwise yell, scream and argue with each other achieving absolutely nothing worthwhile. Visit the CoN portal.

It is also the headquarters of the City Administration Offices, where Griffondale's bureaucratic monster lairs. Visit the CAO portal.

M - Griffondale Municipal Treasury
The bank. In fact, the biggest, baddest and best secured bank in the world. Also the city mint.

N - Griffon Keep
The headquarters of the Iron Lions, Griffondale's standing army and acting police force. Home of the Inquisitor's Branch and the Municipal Dungeons. 

O - University of Griffondale
A newly established institute of mundane academia, this where all the rich kids go for formal education and the opportunity to party hard.

P -The Tower of Griffondale
The city's asylum which houses hundreds of lunatics, psychopaths, madmen and poets. Apparently quite pleasant on the inside . . . once you gets past all the demented screams.

Q - Griffondale Canal
Perhaps the most polluted waterway in the world, it's waters are thick and murky. Has caught on fire at least a dozen time. Home to Chuck, the Creature of Griffondale Canal.

R - The Enchanted Gardens
A natural preserve shrouded in mist and magic and home to dozens of Fey-creatures and other Slyvan-beings. The kind of place where 'frolicking' is encouraged.

S - Monument Gardens
Statues, tombs and monuments dedicated to the city's most beloved personalities and heroes.

T - Griffon Gate
North entrance into the city proper. Popular with the Beggar's Union.


Notable Locations:

1 - Averson's Antiques
A small shop owned by former wizard/appraiser Rel Averson that features rare and valuable mundane items.

2 - Artisan's Guildhall

3. The Griffon's Nest Pub
Recently renovated and reopened for business, the Griffon's Nest Pub is a preferred watering hole of adventurers, dungeon-delvers, lair-raiders, tomb-robbers, monster-slayers, and your average swords and spells for hire-types.

Owned and Operated by Gueedo Tumblefoot and his family - a clan of halflings who know food and drink better than just about anyone. This Pub offers a wide variety of food and fare and even features its very own haunt - the ghost of Gruumok the Mighty!

Visit the Griffon's Nest! Click here!.

4. Former ASAP Headquarters
The twice-time headquarters and residence of the Academy Street Adventuring Professionals - Griffondale's favorite band of oddball heroes . . . until the Arcane Contamination Incident rendered the property condemned . . . and then dragon-dozed into dust.

Presently under construction.

See the old floor plan here!

5. Royal Lion Theatre
An upper-class theatre.

6. The Pewter Mug Tavern
Upper-class saloon catering to nobles and wealthy aristocrats. Features fine cuisine, an excellent selection of wines and ales, and private rooms and a feast-hall.

7. MagicMart Discount Superstore
Griffondale's big-box realtor selling 'quality' magic items at wholesale prices. All items are 'Made in the Forgotten Realms'.

8. The Smoking Cauldron
A lessor-known tavern tucked away in the sub-cellar of a small mill, the Smoking Cauldron and it's illusionary trappings offer a unique, if not slightly unnerving atmosphere. Mona Minerva is the proprietor.

Visit the Smoking Cauldron! Click here!

9. The Griffondale Herald & Press
The headquarters of Griffondale's daily newspaper and offices of it's most popular journalist, the Half-Sprite Poppy Caprice.

10. Moon, Sun & Starbucks Cafe
Griffondale's favorite coffee house.

11. The Emerald Grove
The heart of the Enchanted Gardens.

12. Astral Travel Inc.
Griffondale's magical transportation and teleportation service.

13. Vacant Building
Formerly Boone Bros. Island Imports.

14. Richthoffen Manor
Once the home of a creepy old recluse, the Manor has since been inherited by young master Mason Richter, a.k.a. the Scarlet Avenger.

15. The Gnome Depot
Griffondale's hardware store, building material supply, garden and lawn centre, and basic adventuring gear. Its employees wear orange caps.

16. Madame Perciffiny's Bath House
A bath-house. A very expensive, upper-scale bath-house. The kind that is staffed by beautiful and exotic women. Discretion assured.

17. Lady Jasmine's Fertility Shop
A shop store that sells fertility potions, love elixirs and similar alchemical notions.

18. The Mason's Guild
The local stonemasons guildhall . . . make that fortified guildhall . . . made from stone . . . neigh impregnable . . . think they got something to hide?

19. Felix's Fine Statuary
A Gnome and master-craftsman specializing in sculpture and statues . . . a crusty ol' fart if ever there was one.

20. Stirling Silversmith
A importer of raw silver bullion, this establishment is ultimately owned by Kyle Vale