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The Box
Episode 2 – Temptation

I have Never Been to Boston ~ I Choose to Believe
The Box: Episode 1 ~ List of all episodes


IllustrationShe could be dead.

I don't know what to do. I can't do this. I can't! I need Mommy back! I can't be what she was. I don't know how.

Dawn should have been back yesterday. That's what she said when she called from Boston. But something was wrong, I could tell from her voice, and now she's just missing. I don't know what flights and trains she was taking, or anything. How can I protect her if I don't know where she is?

I might never know what happened to my sister. I might just never see her again and never know.

I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't even cry. All I can do is clench every muscle, ready to explode, and take my helplessness out on a punching bag. Or on Spike, who doesn't really deserve that.

It doesn't help. I just spent two hours working out at the Magic Box, and the fear and guilt aren't one bit less.

I'm back at our house, so empty and lifeless without Tara and Dawn. Willow's still at the Magic Box, but even when she's here, there's no joy with my old friend. She's as afraid as I am.

As I walk past Dawnie's closed door, my breath stops. I have the sudden feeling she's in there. I know she is. But I'm afraid to open the door. I just stand in the hall, minute after minute, almost reaching for the knob, but unable to act. I still feel her in there, but I'm afraid to see that she's not.

Tiniest creaking sound. Her bed! I burst through the door and there she is! Dawn!

I grab her up and squeeze her, crying at last. "Dawnie! I didn't know... Where were you?... I didn't know if you were alive or dead!" I scared her to death when I burst in, but she hugs me back, her eyes watering too.

"I'm sorry, Buffy. I had to go! I know you don't understand. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. Don't cry!"

"What's wrong with you, Dawn? First the stealing, and now you run away... what's wrong with you?! They'll take you away, you know!" I'm a little out of control, I know it, but I've reached my limit. I don't remember Heaven too clearly, but I remember the feeling–like everyone I cared about was safe and happy. Now it seems like nobody I care about is either one.

I've thought about getting help for my sister. The stealing thing bothers me, and she's been through more than a young girl should ever have to. But I can't afford a psychiatrist. And anyway, I'm afraid they'll take Dawn away to a foster home if they find out just how messed up she's been. Dad would never take her. He doesn't even know she exists, and he'll never believe she's family. And I need her here. We all do. But one of these days they'll take Dawn away, and the Summers family will be gone.

For that matter, I could probably use a psychiatrist myself. Giles left because he thought I could deal with anything. But I think I'm about to reach the point where I can't deal with anything. He's right, I can handle the monsters and demons. But I can't handle my life. Just ask Spike.

I stop crying and find anger is left behind. I have to get out of here before I completely blow up.

"I'm sorry, Buffy... I'm sorry..." she calls after me as I leave.

I turn around. "I just don't know what to do with you." And I close the door.

Damn it! I would give anything for a good old-fashioned Slayer problem.




This is scary shit. This is power.

The Mayor marked a few passages, but I'm reading more than that. Too many wild thoughts going through my head to sleep, so since about four AM I've been learning every last detail that the Books of Ascension can tell me about what will happen.

You see, this is a huge temptation, but it's dangerous magic. It'll change me, and it'll change Dawn. I'm damn well going to know exactly how before I begin.

I had a bit of a scare this morning. I didn't realize I was mumbling what I was reading out loud, until I heard a rattling in the closet where I stashed the Box of Gavrok. I looked up, and a thick black fog was covering the floor of my place. I opened the door and every window and waited in the hall for it to clear out. The rattling in the closet stopped, and when I dared open the door, the box was shut and latched and silent. Whew! Don't know what was going on there. I've been careful to read in my head since then!

The rituals are tricky. I've gotta follow every step precisely, do every spell at exactly the right time. I'll need Dawn's help for the final ritual in a few weeks. Not sure if I should tell her what the ritual's really for or not, but I've got time to think about that. The worst part will be eating the giant spider creatures. We've both got to be doing that almost from the beginning. The Mayor left a note in the margin: "stringy, tastes sour." Yuck.

But one thing at a time. The most important thing is to know how we'll change. And that's the one part that does seem simple. We'll live forever. Nothing more, nothing less. We'll be like the Mayor was before his Ascension: try to kill us, we'll spring right back. Only no Ascension at the end. Fine by me–good looks is the one thing I do like about myself. The giant-scaly-snake thing doesn't really grab me!

So. If I'm careful, it's safe to do this. I think.




Buffy doesn't want me. I know she probably loves me, but she can't stand me being around. Well, I won't be around so much now. I have Faith!

I start the school day depressed, but every class brings me an hour closer to my Faith. My girlfriend! By the end of the day I'm so excited I can hardly sit still. I've collected most of my missed homework already, so I don't have to stay real late.

I come out the front door running, and look all over for Faith. She said she'd be waiting, but maybe she thought I'd be later than this. I'm a little worried that she's just... gone again. But I won't think that. I won't!

"Buffy really blew the old school to kingdom come, huh?"

"Faith!" Somehow she snuck up behind me. "Yeah, she likes doing that." She starts walking and I follow. "Where are we going? Where did you sleep last night?"

"We're going to my place. I think you'll like it!"

"How did you get a place? Do you have a job already?"

"Yeah... sort of." She reaches into her pocket. "A little present for you. How was Buffy yesterday?"

"OK, I guess... I don't think she likes me anymore."

"Dawn, she loves you... she died for you!"

"Yeah. But I don't think she likes me." I take the small box Faith hands me.

"She likes you. How could she not? Sisters fight. That's all."

That's not all, but I forget all that when I open the box. "It's beautiful, Faith!" A silver necklace with a small red stone.

"Careful where you wear that, it's a real ruby."

"Yeah, right." But I put it on with a smile just the same.

"It is, Dawn. My new job... it paid in advance. And you and me are going to go shopping this weekend!"

I stare at the necklace. I can't believe it! "What job, Faith?"

"Don't freak out on me... I've been paid to kill Buffy and her friends. But..."

No! I stop walking, frozen in shock.

"But Buffy killed the guy long ago, so he can't very well check up on me! I'd never hurt Buffy, but the money's still mine!"

Relief. She wasn't acting scary, but there's some little part of me that's a little afraid of who she is now. "I don't get it."

"The Mayor. He left me everything."

I think about that. "You mean you're rich?"

"You and me both, Dawnie! But don't tell Buffy."

We get to her hotel. "This is where the Mayor put you, isn't it!" I look up at the high building. "You... you fell from up there?"

"I jumped. Knocked myself into a coma. Took my mind off bleeding to death, though." She sees the look on my face. "It's OK..." she gives my hand a squeeze. "All that's ancient history."

Her place isn't as nice as I expected from somebody who goes ruby shopping, but it's nice.

"Check out the tub! Not bad, huh? And here's your room. We can fix it up any way you want." Her bed's in the main room, but I've got a room off to the side.

"Awesome! Can we get to the roof?"

She smiles 'cause she remembers how fun it was hanging out under the stars in Boston. "Yep. I checked."

This is going to be the best fun! I never thought we'd have such a cool place to hang out! "This sure beats your old room!" I wander around. "What's in this locked closet?"

"Nothing! Um... that's just some stuff someone gave me... hey, how long can you stay?"

"All day, I guess." I call Buffy and tell her I'm doing homework at a friend's house. Which is true. I've got plenty to catch up on, and I spread my books over the floor.

"So, tell me... how was ninth grade? Did I miss anything exciting?"

"Ninth grade sucked. But tenth is OK. This is a nicer school than we had... except for all the vampires and stuff. Not as nice as the school Buffy blew up, but better than Boston."

"No vampires in Boston? You led a sheltered life!" She sits down and starts playing with my pens and pencils.

It's fun just working on homework with Faith, like we used to do. Although she doesn't have any of her own. But I'll take care of that soon!

When dinner time rolls around, she asks what I want.

"What do you have?"

"Anything you want, we can get!"


"And where's your favorite place to get ravioli?"

I tell her my favorite Italian place, but they don't do carryout. "Let's just get something we can eat in. Let's get pizza!"

But if you have enough money, I guess anyplace will do carryout. Or even delivery. Hot ravioli for two shows up a half hour later and we celebrate Faith's good luck.

After dinner she tosses me a spoon. "Dessert time!"

Grape jelly, right from the jar! We always used to eat until we got sick, but I guess we've learned something in two years. We mess around pretending we're going to get it on each other, and the carpet gets stained. I guess some things we'll just never learn! Buffy and me never laugh like this anymore.

I love Faith so much.

Gonna get dark soon. Time to pack up my stuff. Staying out late and worrying Buffy would be a bad idea. I give Faith a hug. "Wish I could stay over. Maybe next time."

She gives me a little kiss. We've done that about five times since we met. I could get used to it! "Maybe next time, Dawnie. I've got some stuff to be doing anyway."

"Patrolling? Be careful!"

"That... and other stuff. I'll be careful."




The whole thing scares me to death, but there's no sense in putting it off. Just do it.

The first spell is simple. I light some of the Mayor's candles, sprinkle powder from some of the jars, breathe the smoke, and recite words in a language that no human has spoken in five thousand years. I feel a little tingle in my chest.

I blow out the candles. I've taken the first step on a long and dangerous road. That's a feeling this Slayer knows all too well.

Maybe I should wait. I do plan to make peace with Buffy and Willow and everyone. If I know them like I think I do, they have it in them to forgive me. So maybe I ought to wait and get their help to do this right.

But they wouldn't let me. Not because they'd want it for themselves, either. They'd say this was evil.

That means I can't tell Dawn, because she might tell the others.

Funny, I have the ultimate prize in my hands–immortality–and I'm suddenly not so anxious to take it. Angel doesn't think immortality is so great. Then again, he can still be killed. The Mayor has given me true eternal life. Me and my Dawn.

A little voice inside me is telling me I should know better than this. I know Buffy would say it's evil... but I don't know why it's evil. We won't lose our souls or become demons. We'll just live forever! That's not evil, that's love. The ultimate gift, and nobody deserves it more than Dawnie.

It does feel a little evil, though.

The part about not telling Dawn... that's the evil part. So I'll tell her. Not at the start, but I'll tell her when we do the final rite.

It still feels wrong. I really would like to talk this over with Buffy. Or Willow. Willow knows all about black magic–she's the big bad-ass sorceress now, or so I hear. Maybe she could tell me why this feels more and more wrong the more I think about it.

I flop on the bed and brood for a while. Everything to do with Dawn should be simple and beautiful. This isn't.

I'm not going to do it. I'll keep the Box and the Books, and maybe someday I'll feel differently. But no matter how good this change sounds, I don't want black magic to change my Dawn. I don't want to change myself, even–not that way. And what's the hurry? We're young. The Box will keep.

I'm not ready, and I'm not going to do it.

I feel a lot better already. I know I've made the right decision. The one Buffy would make.

The stink of the candles is almost gone.



Illustration"I don't think it was just a dream, Buffy! I think it's really happening!"

Willow's really upset. But is this just some kind of magic withdrawal symptoms, or is her vision something serious? She passed out on the way to meet me for patrol, and woke up certain that some major evil is going down in Sunnydale.

"You really think someone's trying to Ascend again? Why would you know?"

"I don't know... but I'm powerful. And I touched the Books of Ascension once. I even read a lot of them." She puts her head in her hands. "I know how to be sure... but I can't do it myself. We have copies of parts of the Books. There's a spell that should tell us if an Ascension has begun. But Tara will have to do it. I don't dare."

Fair enough. I don't want to see Willow have a relapse. I give Tara a call.

Dawn's getting ready for bed, but she overhears. "Can I stay up and see Tara?"

"Sure... but we're going to do some magic and it might take a while. So say 'Hi' and go to bed."

"Is something wrong?"

"Maybe. What else is new?" I'm not mad at her, just frustrated in general... but I sound mad. She looks hurt.

I try to be nicer to her. "Is that a new chain, Dawn? Where'd you get it? It's pretty." She looks down at the necklace she's wearing inside her pajama top and suddenly she looks very guilty.

"Dawn... can I see it?"

"It's nothing. A friend gave it to me." She turns to go to her room.

"Dawn, let me see it. Dawn!" So much for being nice. Bossy sister time.

Not just a chain. It looks expensive. It looks like a ruby, but... what do I know? I sigh. Not again, Dawn!

"Where did you get this?"

"I told you, my friend gave it to me."

"A friend from school?"

"Yes." She's getting pissy now. Why does this have to be so hard, Dawn?

"What's her name?"

She doesn't answer.

"This looks a little expensive to me. Does she know she gave it to you?"


"Then tell me her name."

No answer.

"Dawn, why? Why do you keep taking things that aren't yours?"

"It is mine!"

"Let me see it." She hands it over with a scowl. Definitely expensive. Real silver, for one thing.

"Unless you tell me exactly who you got this from, Dawn, I can't give it back to you."

She's fuming. Turns her back and slams her door.

Willow raises her eyebrows sympathetically. "It's been a rough year for her, Buffy."

"I can't let her go around stealing!"

"I know."

Tara interrupts us, and we get back to business. Tara does the spell.

When she finishes, the look on her face says it all. "It's true..." she whispers.

"We better move fast then," says Willow. "Find whoever's planning this Ascension and stop him while he still can be stopped!"

She's right. The Mayor became unkillable for a hundred days before his Ascension. We've got to stop this thing before it even gets that far.




"Find your way OK?"

"Nothing to it!" Dawn drops her bag, hugs me and then takes a running jump onto my bed.

"What did you tell Buffy this time?"

"I told her the truth."

Uh-oh. "Meaning what?"

"I told her I was staying over with a friend from school. I gave her your number, so you have to do the fake mom-voice thing if it rings."

I laugh. "I forgot about that." I sit down on the bed beside her. "Kinda fun, you sneaking out to see me just like old times!"


"It's weird how we can just pick up where we left off... even if you had been real."

"When we hang out, I feel like I just might be real. I don't think about being the Key and all that stuff. And if you want to talk weird, think about me and Buffy... we never left off at all, it's like we've always been sisters. I don't even know exactly what day I became real. I don't even know what week! Neither does Buffy. It's all the same to us."

She puts her head in my lap and I stroke her long hair sympathetically.

"So if Buffy calls, whose mom am I supposed to be?"

"I told her your name. I didn't want to lie to her. You can do the lying. If you have to."

"You told her my name?"


Oh, God. Can't help wincing. I guess everyone has a high school nickname they'd rather forget. That was mine. Dawn never called me that, but lots of people did. And I deserved it. I actually wore a big feather on my jacket. I thought it was the coolest.

"She took my necklace."

"Buffy? Why?"

"She thinks I stole it."

"She didn't believe it was a gift?" That makes me mad.

She shrugs and her silence seems guilty to me.

"Dawnie? What is it?"

She's facing away from me on my lap, but I can tell she's ashamed. "Sometimes... I take stuff. Like from the Magic Box."

"Do you give it back?"

"Not always."

That worries me a little. I stroke her arm to show I like her no matter what. "Why, Dawnie?"

She shrugs again. I'm guessing it's to get Buffy's attention, whether Dawn knows that or not.

"You know, Dawn, I've stolen all kinds of stuff. I don't feel very good about it."

"Me either."

"Well Buffy will believe you sooner or later. I'll tell her I gave it to you." I decide to let it drop. A lecture on stealing from me would be just plain silly.

She looks up, remembering something. "Guess what? Someone's trying an Ascension again. Willow and Tara figured it out."

I freeze.

"What is it, Faith? Do you know who it is?"

I don't like to lie to Dawn. I tell half the truth. "I don't think anyone is trying an Ascension. But I'm sure Buffy can handle it again if so."

This is just great! I've been thinking about showing my face to Buffy. I guess this would not be a good time to do that. Why did I even start the rituals?

Maybe I should leave the Box and the Books for Buffy to find someplace. That would defuse this little problem, and take the temptation out of my hands. Luckily, the process hasn't really started. Dawn and I should be eating the spiders now if we were really going to go through with it.

"So do you have any less homework this time? Or is it all work and no play again?"

She turns on her back and smiles up at me. That's all it takes to make my heart race. Man, I have got it bad! "I'm almost caught up. I have less homework. But you have more!"


She reaches into her bag and pulls out a big binder. "I got it from the guidance counselor. You have to pass the GED test, and then you've got your diploma! This is everything you need to know. I'll help you study!"

"That's so sweet, Dawnie, but... I don't think I have much need for an education."

"You can't go to college otherwise! You can hardly get a job without it."

"I'm rich, in case you hadn't noticed! Slayer is my only career."

"Fine. You sit still and be quiet then, 'cause I have to study! I was going to quiz you and make you flash cards, and everything. But I guess you've got better things to do."

She's not really pissed. She knows exactly what she's doing. She gets out her homework and sets to work on the floor, leaving me with the GED binder.

Shaking my head, I leaf through it. "Literature? History? I don't think so, Dawn!"

"Shhh! Some of us are trying to study!"

I shake my head some more but I'm smiling. "I wouldn't even know where to begin." It's a big binder.

"Read through the pink pages. Then I'll give you a quiz and tell you what to go back and study."

I reluctantly crack open the first section, in pink. Social Studies. Yuck!

"Come down here with me!"

And some way, somehow, we're on the floor doing our homework together once again. Unbelievable.

"There's so much stuff in here!" I complain.

"I'll get you through it. Now read."

And I bet she will. She always used to. By the time my Watcher died, I was Slaying and getting good grades! She smiles and scooches closer. We both know the stern lecture is all an act. But it works anyway. I was always a sucker for having someone care. At least... until I had to leave Dawn. The next person who tried to care was Buffy, and I wasn't ready to put myself in that position again.

We work hard and earn ourselves dinner out. How to be sure we won't run into the Scoobies? Easy. We go someplace they can't afford.

Watching TV afterwards. Dawn snuggles close and I put my arm around her shoulders. I glance nervously at the locked closet with the Box of Gavrok inside. This weekend, I'll leave it on Buffy's doorstep. I might even leave a note saying who it's from.

Getting late. "I've got to go on patrol, Dawn."

"Why? You don't both need to go!"

"I'm a Slayer, Dawn. That's just how it works. Anyway, I like going out. I'll get you set up in your room."

"You Slayer people!" she says with frown. "Just be careful! Don't stay out all night!"

"All right!" I lean in for a little kiss. As I stand up, she pulls me back down for another.

It's a very different kind of kiss. Her tongue is on mine. "Um..!" I mumble when it ends. I feel all weak and foolish.

"What's wrong? Was it a bad kiss?"

"No... no it was a great kiss! It just caught me off guard."

I tuck her into bed in the spare room, grab up some of the new weapons I've bought, and head out into the night, thinking about Dawn more than the hunt. I'm practically skipping!

I'm a little older than Dawn. I've seen a lot more of the world, good and bad. I'm rich. I'm independent, while she's living with her sister as guardian. And I'm the Slayer. Not to mention that I'm actually human, unlike her. Plus I'm programmed to protect her. So... why do I get the feeling that she's the one in charge here?

Oh, well. I guess she always was!

Not much action on the streets. I kinda wish Buffy and I were working together. Well, that day will come. I find some high school kids trying to summon a demon and break it up. Stake a couple of vampires fresh from the earth. That's about it.

When I get back home and get ready for bed, I don't even notice that anything is different until I peek in Dawn's room and find her gone.

"Dawn!" I turn on the lights and rush to inspect all the windows.

"Trying to sleep!" she complains.

I rush out into the main room. She's in my bed. Hands on my hips, I'm about to kick her out.

But she's so peaceful and cute, in a slightly pissed off kinda way, I just can't do it.

I slip in beside her and hold her gently from behind.

I sleep great.




Bad night patrolling. I staked a few vampires, but not many, and it gave me no satisfaction. No relief. And we don't have a single lead on who's planning the Ascension.

So Xander and I decide to call off patrol early and hit the books some more. There must be some way we can track the Books of Ascension. We could sure use Willow and Tara's help... but they asked for a Friday night off with Dawn, and I hate to interfere with that. Especially since it puts them both in the same room together. Willow doesn't think Tara loves her anymore. But Tara does.

It's after ten o'clock, but there's a knock at the door of the Magic Box. Willow or Anya maybe? Nope. A man's silhouette. Not Spike.

"We're closed!" shouts Xander.

More knocking. Then a pause, and a key opens the lock.

"What the heck?" Xander and I leap to our feet, alarmed.

The man steps in. "Research party?"


"My! That's quite a hug! All right... I think Buffy wants a turn..."

Xander backs away, embarrassed, and I wrap my arms around the person I most needed to show up in my life right now.

"You don't know how much we need your help, Giles!"

"Actually, I wish I could stay and hear all about the latest horror from the Hellmouth, but I'm not actually here to see you. I'm on Council business and it's rather urgent."

"You, errand boy for the Council?" Xander is skeptical.

"They have a task they felt I was best suited for. An extremely difficult task, I suspect, but I accepted it willingly."

"Is it more important than another Ascension?" I ask.

"Another Ascension?" That got his attention.

"You heard the woman right," quips Xander, "Somebody out there wants to be a hundred-foot serpent when he grows up."

"I suppose that is just possible... if the person had the Box of Gavrok, and everything else the mayor prepared over the years. We never did find all those dangerous items..."

"It's happening. We have parts of the Books of Ascension, remember? Tara did a spell to be sure, and it's true. The first Rite of Ascension has been done."

Giles does his grim Watcher face. Come on, let's get to the determined Watcher face! "That is serious... but I'm confident that you can handle the situation, Buffy. And I really can't stop my search right now."

"Your search?" What could be more urgent than an Ascension?

He raises his eyebrows. "You'll never guess who I'm looking for!"




It's great to be with Willow and Tara again. They haven't gotten back together... not yet... but they're both here with me now.

I scared them just as bad as I scared Buffy. I wish Buffy had just let me go to Boston in the first place!

It's late, the movie we rented is over, and we're all sleepy and kinda lost in thought. I wish somehow the night could end with Tara in Willow's bed, but I guess that's not happening.

Willow's head is on my shoulder, and Tara's is in my lap. They accepted my apologies days ago. They were just glad I was OK. They didn't freak out on me like Buffy did.

"Dawn," Willow says, "promise you won't run away like that again. Come to me or Tara if you can't work things out with Buffy. OK?"

"It's a deal." I couldn't do that with Boston, though. They might have tried to come with me, and I needed to face that alone.

"Tell me," says Tara with a yawn, "Did you find it? When you went to Boston? Did you find... whatever it was you needed to find?"

"Yeah. I sure did."




We have so many bags we have to hire a cab!

I was a little nervous at the mall, afraid that Buffy or somebody she knows might spot us, but Dawn had a great time and that's the main thing. Besides, tomorrow is Sunday, and Buffy will wake up to find the Box of Gavrok, the Books of Ascension, and all the other stuff from the Mayor. Plus a letter of apology for everything I've done. The first step is the hardest, but by this time next week, I don't plan to be hiding any more.

But it'll be a rough week! I'm not going to kid myself about that.

Our purchases are piled around us in the cab. We've got new clothes for both of us, and Dawn will keep hers at my place for now, so Buffy doesn't think she's a thief again. We've got a computer, and some stuff for the walls in Dawn's room, and even some things to dress up the rest of my apartment. Got a DVD player, too. Before I went to prison, a VCR was good enough. Not any more, I guess.

Next big purchase: a car. Dawn wants me to get something sleek and black and fast. She has me confused with Batman. I want something sleek and red and fast. Maybe I'll just decide to get both. It wouldn't put a dent in my bank account!

But Dawn's keeping an eye on my spending. It won't last forever if I spend it all, she scolds!

We're about to enter my building when the cab driver calls after us. "Hey!" He's waving a box we left behind. He sounds angry, but maybe he's just being loud. Dawn jumps at the sound and rushes back across the street.

A schoolbus is barreling down the lane and she doesn't even look.

"Daaaawn!!!!!" I scream, and race after her with every ounce of my Slayer speed and then some. I dive through the air, and I see the terror in her eyes as she looks over her shoulder. It's too late. The bus is going to kill us both.

Not quite too late. The fender crashes into my side and I'm thrown up into the air, but I just managed to shove Dawn to safety.

Or maybe not. I fall to the pavement with a nasty cracking sound, and crawl over to her lifeless body. I shoved her hard, and it knocked her out at best. There's blood on her head and shoulder from where she hit the curb. I'm about to black out from the pain in my side–I've broken some ribs, for sure–but I take her pulse, screaming her name through tears. I'm vaguely aware of the cab driver and bus driver running to get help.

She's alive.

"Dawnie!" I cry. "Don't move! You're hurt!"

"I saw you... the bus was going to hit you... I was so scared..."

I can't even see through the tears.

"You won't ever be scared again, Dawnie! I promise! Nothing will ever hurt either of us ever again!"

She drifts in and out of consciousness, and I bind her wounds as best I can. I ignore my own injuries. The paramedics find me sobbing over her, crying the same thing over and over. "I love you, Dawn! I love you! Forever and ever and ever!"



~ Continue to Episode 3 – Evil is Strength ~


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If you enjoyed this story, try Witch's Faith. Feeling rejected by Tara and Buffy, Willow finds herself helping Faith get out of prison–and falling in love. When the dark Slayer's plots turn deadly, Willow must betray someone she loves. But who will she choose?

Faith walked out to Willow's car in a daze. She didn't truly believe this was happening until the prison gate closed behind them and they were on the open road. The afternoon sun turned to rain and it was the sweetest sound Faith had ever heard. She wished Willow would drive faster. A hundred miles an hour... two hundred! She was ready to slay–vampire after vampire turning to dust before her. And then she wanted sex... real sex, not a stranger's head between her legs in the bathroom, forcing orgasm quickly because privacy might end at any moment. Faith glanced curiously at Willow, wondering if the girl had ever had thoughts of homosexuality.

In the back seat, Faith found a bundle of lovely, wood stakes. The real thing! The Slayer took a stake in her hands. She caressed it, felt its perfect weight. Its solidity made the future suddenly solid as well. "Hey, Red... thanks."

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