5/4/01 after a much needed break I am back and ready to resume updating. A quick update to the Quatre, Trowa, and Couple pics sections because I have exams coming up, but The Return of Mt. Dew Man is almost ready to be written. This is to be just as full of parodies as the first, and I'd like ideas. Send me any suggestions for something to parody, Anime or non, and I'll try to do it. Just e-mail TrowaNeko@yahoo.com and give me your ideas. Oh and The Advantures of Mt. Dew Man won an award! go check it out!
2/13/01 Erk, again I took too long to update. But there are several new Trowa pics, several Couple pics, a new mainpic, a new fanfic, and you can except a lot of Valentine goodies soon.
1/19/01 Eeek, looks like I haven't updated in waaaaay too long. Actually, I have been updating, I just have sorta forgotten to say it on this page. Well anyway, there's an update in the fanfic section and some new Trowa and Quatre pics somewhere.... Enjoy.
12/27/00 Well, no update, but a semi important message. I shall be away from a computer for a week or so, so no updates and if you send me e-mail, it won't be answered. Ha, like anyone would send my e-mail anyway. Ja ne!
12/25/00 Merry Christmas. Well I got no sleep whatsoever last night, so I'm going to bed. There are two Christmas specials in the fanfic section, a new Quatre pic, and a few new couple pics. Enjoy.
12/13/00 Two new sections, webrings and rants
12/7/00 The Other Pics section is up, yay. New links, and, hmm, couple new words in Help.
12/5/00 Well it's up, mostly. There's still so much I want to add and there will be fairly frequent updates for quite some time, but for now enjoy what I have so far. Please ignore bugs and glitches, I know about them and I should have them fixed within a day or so.