A few fics, not many yet, send them in to TrowaNeko@yahoo.com if you want them to go up here. A lot of my fics are "Apartment Fics." Basically the storyline behind it is it's an A/U that takes place after the GW TV series. Trowa and Duo live in New York in a two bedroom apartment. They're just roommates, no romance going on there. Later Trowa and Quatre meet again and get together, then Duo and Wufei get together. (One of my friends is a huge 5x2 fan) So it's all 4 of them in one apartment. That makes for.... lots of interesting stuff. Enjoy.
Lemon? This one you have to read your yourself, no spoilers. But don't be scared, just read! (3x4)
Friends Just a little bit of fluff. One of my Apartment Fics. (3x4, 5x2)
Deathfic Wow, three lemons in one fic. Rating? PG, maybe PG 13. Curious? Interested? Just confused? Go on and read!
Drunken Karaoke My first "sonfic" I suppose, though it's not really, but it does contain a song.. ah, just go on and read. No warnings other than the usual ai shounen and suggested lime.
Christmas SurpriseMerry Christmas!
The 13 days of Christmas!Merry Christmas!
The Adventures of Mt. Dew ManStrange, but funny. Read! 3x4 and 2x5 And it managed to win an Award! from here!
Hmm, I'd forgot I'd done this one a while back. Warnings: A little darker than most of my stuff, that's about it.
G-Boy's Night Out Bwahaha, very funny. By Duet and Brandon
Arguement~ by Sher. Well, being a natural critic I found it fairly OOC on some parts. Almost overly sappy, and I wouldn't put it on the same level with, say, Tzigane. However, it's 3x4, 1x2. The poll on the main page says I need to put up some 1x2/2x1.
3rd Rock from the Sun~ by Sher. 3x4, 2x5, and 1xC. Enjoy.