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Gundam Wing World: Fanfics - We'll Never Forget That Day 2

We'll Never Forget That Day
By: Kiwimoon12

Chapter Two:


"Duo why can't I tell you how I feel? Why!?!" Hildy asked herself for the hundreth time as she paced in her room.
Finally sitting at her desk she looked at two big books. Everyone ( Heero, Duo, Relena, Quatre, Wufei,Noin ) had two of these big books. They were filled with pictures over the years they all had gotten to know each other and now they all were 16, 17 and 18. Quatre and herself being the youngest...Trowa and Wufei being oldest....She opened the book and began to look. ''Heres Duo fixing his car not going to well...Heero sleeping and Relena about to sit on his stomach....Trowa playing his fute at an orphanage for the kids...Wufei and me arm wrestling....*giggle* Zechs and Noin kissing....The whole gang smiling but, someones missing! ''She said aloud looking at the pictures. "Oh yes Quatre I forgot about these sad pictures...'' she thought turning a page. Quatre siting alone by himself in a church, one of him looking over a grave, his back turned and a small white blue speckled flower in his hand. ''Who took these, there're awful!!'' she declared.

She found one of him as a little boy. "AAAAAWWWWW...'' she thought remembering asking all the Gundam pilots for a picture of them as a little boy. Only Quatre managed to get her one although he seemed rather embarrassed he had given her one when he was what 3 years old, and he was resting on one of his sisters stomachs. She had no idea who it was but she was 11 in the picture and what was so cute was the way they looked at the camera with the same identical stare.

Duo stood outside Hildy's door, he really wanted ro tell her something before he left. He listened to her talk about the pictures awhile and finally he knocked on the door. She now was typing on the internet and her face flushed when she saw him. ''Hey...ah what ya doin?'' he asked. "Smooth Duo, real smooth!" he thought angrily to himself. She smiled a smile that always made him melt inside. ''Me? I'm just finding out how bad he is, they call him ''HELL MAKER,'' and say he won't answer to anything but that. Duo leaned over and she continued to type quickly now and then telling him what this and that ment.

Finally Duo couldn't resist, he leaned over and kissed Hildy softly on the lips. Her eyes grew wide and she felt her heart stop. ''What...why is he kissing me!? Could he love me?'' He stopped, looked into her eyes and whispered ''I thought you should know I love you and when I come back, if you'll let me, I'll take you to dinner." Tears filled her eyes as she hugged him and cried, "Yeah Duo if you promise to come back to me!'' He smiled to himself and said, "Why wouldn't I come back?? ''He stood up, waved and walked out the door and left. She rumaged through the closet and found two guns. She loaded them and whispered, ''I'll make sure you come back.''

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

''We're here in outer space at last ' bout time!" Duo said letting out a deep sigh. ''Yeah you bet! Now that we're docking we can-'' Qautra was ended short when he doged a laser. He fell to the ground clutching his arm, blood floating in the ship. Wufei kneeled to help him as a voice came on:'' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! THAT WAS FUN YOU MUST TRY THAT SOMETIME! WELL NOW THAT I'VE WELCOMED YOU I FIGURED YOU BETTER GET MOVING. YOU BETTER SPLIT UP I COULD BE ANYWHERE!!'' This had to be HELL MAKER. As they walked off the ship their space suits off and in their daily cloths the others talked with Quatre concerned about his arm. ''You guys will you chill?! Its just a scratch you know!!!'' Qautra told them a little hotly.

''Well we sure didn't think this would be easy but we didn't think this would be hard either. We had seen many horrible things but the real torture was only seconds away....''Qautra gazed at the room and noticed the surroundings 5 open doors and that was it, the rest non painted steel. He decided to look inside one, but as soon as he entered a heavy steel wall closed down on him locking him in the long hall that led to other things. As the others heard the loud snap and pounding on the door they soon all where pounding on the door.

After awhile the 4 pilots gave up and realized they no lnger heard Quatre's banging on the door, they heard footsteps steadly walking away. ''Looks like we do what he did. ''Trowa said in the same tone he uses for every problem. The pilots split up and soon all listened to the heavy snap of the doors.

Hilde and Duo at the computer......

Owari of Chapter Two

Chapter Three