My Pets
These are my pets. Aren't they sweet!
This is when Chloe was maybe five months old. She is now (April 14, 2001) nearly a year.
My dog is a tennis ball FREAK!!!! All the time it's 'throw the ball Lost, throw the ball! Come one!! Throw the ball!!!!' and she is the BIGGEST HEAD HOG!!!
This is my puppy, Chloe, playing with my mother's border collie, Fiona. Fiona is a more traditional coat. In fact, Chloe can't be registered (if she were pure breed, which I'm not sure she is) because she has to much white in her coat. But, I love her anyway.
My cat Gwen. She's great. She is like most cats, hot and cold. Some times while I'm writing or working at the computer, she'll demand that I pay attention to her by pushing the keyboard away and snuggling with me. Then, after a few seconds, she's had enough and gives me a love bite. Hehe, she is a sweetie, no matter what. At least she isn't my mother's cat, Sally.
EWWW!! Gwen looks sorta evil here with those glowing eyes! Creepy!
want to get a hold of the LostGundam? Try emailing
her, she might even respond
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