My Tattoos!!!

This is my first tattoo.  I love it!  The color is getting a little dull, but that happens with tattoos over time.  I could go and have it re-punched (re-inked) and I might some time, but I'm sorta lazy.  

My second tattoo.  I love this one too!  But, if you look at the first character, you'll see where I scratched it in my sleep and removed the ink before it was completely healed.  OOPS!!  I need to go have this one fixed, but I'm lazy.  I love tattoos.  They didn't hurt at all!  But, no brain, no pain!  hahaha!  My mother doesn't understand why I got them.  But, she took the pictures for me.  Thank you Momma.


You want to get a hold of the LostGundam?  Try emailing her, she might even respond

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