Twelve Step Program for GundamW Addicts

  So, you've admitted you need help.  Well, that is the first step.  The next is to read this list of twelve little steps and decide whether it is better for you to remain an addict or make your way back into humanity.  I personal have made the decision to remain crazy and try and increase my score on Kumiko's The Road to Otaku test.  Hehe.

     First step is to realize that you need help, that's why you are here.  You need to say to yourself, "I'm in trouble and I need help."

     Second, say this to someone else.  I would think it would be best to a family member or a loved one, a message board won't be a good idea, their all as obsessed as you are (maybe more).

     Third, get rid of all of your GundamW stuff (try ebay or you could email me, I'm always looking for more stuff).  Rid your house of GundamW.  This included the shrine you built to your favorite character or couple (mines in my bathroom, so Zeches can see just how lovely he really is and Treize can admire him too). 

     Fourth, find a quiet hobby that doesn't involve anime, the television, comic books (doujinshi), or the internet.  Try craving wood, but try your best to make other shape than Heero or Gundam Wing Zero. 

     Fifth, stop humming Just Communication, Second Impression or any of the songs from the series.  If anything will pull you back into the whole mess, it will be humming Just Communication in the car and before you know it you'll be racing home to watch another episode or search the internet for a download.

     Sixth, rename your pet something else.  I'm sure going around calling for Quatre or Sandrock won't help you fight your addiction.  Rename the poor animal something like Scruffy or Rex. 

     Seventh, sign off of those mail lists your on.  It can't help to get flooded with emails about GundamW when you're trying to get off the stuff.

     Eighth, delete all of those fanfics you've been writing, reading or editing.  And stop doodling in the margins of your notebook, project report, and so on and so forth.

     Ninth, stop posting on that message board.  It isn't helping you any.  As much fun as it is, it isn't helping you any.

     Tenth, start a new obsession, like gardening or something.  You've already established that you need something to fixate on, why not growing tomatoes? 

     Eleventh, stop learning Japanese.  You don't need it anymore.  You don't need to know what the characters are really saying and how it differs from the subtitles or the dubbed versions.  All you need is your native language, because you're kicking the Gundam habit.

     Twelfth, apologize to your loved ones.   Explain that you were really really sick for a while, but now your better.  Don't tell them that your new obsession involves cow or sheep manure or spending hours outside pulling weeding, it might make them worry more.

     Well, there you go.  Twelve little steps to kick the Gundam habit.  I'm not going to be doing it.  In fact, I'm off to work on my fanfic and play with my Gundam models.  ^_^  Take care.


You want to get a hold of the LostGundam?  Try emailing her, she might even respond

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