Things I wish I would have learned the first time around
Right, so I’m in college. And I’m on the verge of graduating (as amazing as that seems to me) and I’ve been looking back, as people are want to do. I can see that I messed up A LOT!! Of course, some things you just have to do once before you learn not to do them, but I figured I’d try to save people some heartache and grief.
The first thing I want to say is don’t go to a college thinking, ‘here I can be the real me. I can reinvent myself here, cause no one knows me.” I went to a small university out in the sticks looking to reinvent myself only to find out that I was already me. Wow, I spent a year there finding that I was already there. In other words, you are already you. YOU can’t reinvent yourself just cause there is no one that knows you out where you are going. You already have your thought patterns set and you have your way of acting down pat. If you really want to change, it takes more than a new environment.
Next, don’t fall in love with your first boy/girlfriend once at college. I don’t ‘fall in love’. I’ve never been in love. But, I got into a relationship that ended badly for me and crushed me for nearly a semester. It had me swearing I would never date again. I’ve dated since then, but no true blue relationship has come up because I’m terribly afraid I’ll get crushed again. Better to be the crusher than the crushie. Maybe not, but I’m still in that mode of thinking. What does this mean to you? Well, when you find that perfect someone, think about it before you jump of that cliff that is love.
Now, here is something I can’t say is important enough. Live in the dorms at least one year, if not two. When I transferred, I went straight into an apartment cause I couldn’t take dorm life. Well, living alone is wonderful. But, the friends I have are almost all in my dept. Their great, don’t get me wrong, but after a while, hearing the same piece of gossip from five different people gets a little bothersome. So, live in the dorm. You’ll hate every second of it, but it is good for you. As a friend’s mother would say, “it builds character.”
When you do move out of the dorms, DON’T GET A DOG!! For the love of Pete, don’t get a dog. I have a one-year-old border collie now. She has to be run, taken outside, washed, loved, and soothed. This is all very time consuming. I love my dog, Chloe is a great animal and I would get her all over again. But, my grades have taken a little dive since I got her. If you need an animal (and I am the kind of person who does) try a cat or a rat. I love my cat, and if it weren’t that I have a cat, I would get a rat. Pets are a good thing, just try and get one that isn’t a big time drain. (I love you Chloe!)
If you get bummed, go to the health center. Every university has one. Go there and talk to someone before the problem has you on the ledge outside your apartment/dorm threatening to jump (no, I’ve never done this). I know we Americans (and if you aren’t American, then I’m sorry for that over generalization) have a problem with mental health services. I personally wish that the fifth floor had something more than JUST the therapy center on it, but that’s just the way of it. (Of course, when you get in the elevator and push the button for the fifth floor, everyone moves away from you, like your some sort of nut).
That’s it, the LostGundam’s words of wisdom. Well, that and spend at least one hour outside a day in the sun. It’s helps depression and gives the body vitamin D. I really wish I would have known these things before the year before I graduate. But, I was stubborn and difficult, so I had to make mistakes. Maybe you can learn from me. I hope so. But, I’m not going to hold me breath. I know better now.
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