This is written solely by me, I would be very hurt if anyone were to take it without asking first. If you want to use it or link to it from your own page, please ask me first.
She stood before her executioner, brave, smug and knowing the answers. He stood there, an angel looking forlorn at his task. /Angels aren’t real. They don’t exist./ She smiled. She had the answers to wake up from her dream.
“Do you wish to repent? Or any last words?” He stood there, arms folded over his chest, wondering why she continually smiled. /She can’t be so evil that she doesn’t see her end coming. Maybe she believes she can still make an escape./
“I only have last words. I deny you. You aren’t real. There are no angels or demons, only creatures of nature. Magic isn’t real, it is mere illusion. You can’t harm me, let alone kill me. You are nothing.” She continued to smile smugly. She was right, she was the victor here.
He sighed, his displeasure in his coming task made more so by her disbelief. “If you truly believe that, then why can I touch you? Why can you touch me? Why can I inflict pain and do you harm? I could not do any of these things if I was a mere illusion. I’ll give you one last chance, repent and I can save you.”
She raised an eyebrow; “you can’t do a thing to me. You can’t harm me, and you can’t save me cause you aren’t real.”
The angel felt a certain sickness, listening to her continually deny him his existence. “Knee, I’ll be as quick and make it as painless as possible.”
“If you were real, couldn’t you just strike me down with a bolt of lighting?” She kneed. /Won’t he be surprised when nothing happens./
The angel watched as she kneed, smiling the entire time. “Bow your head.” His grief was huge. And it only grew as she bowed her head, and he watched her hair slide over her shoulders, parting to show her milky white neck.
He moved from in front of her to beside her. He opened his hand and from no where a gleaming single handed, simple blade appeared. As he began his swing she moved suddenly. He saw a black hand come through her chest and pull her to another place. The look of pain on her face showed that now, at least, she knew this was real. It was little consolation for the Angel. As he watched helplessly as she was torn from one place to another by this black and inherently evil hand. She was gone quickly, somewhere else. The only company he now had were smoke black words that hung in the air where she had been.
And may you regret this for as long as she lives.
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