
This is written solely by me, I would be very hurt if anyone were to take it without asking first.  If you want to use it or link to it from your own page, please ask me first

sifting through the piece that were once me
here is a memory i long since forgotten
it cuts me to the bone
such an ugly vase, hidden only by an uglier face
what do i hold?
night's bane and ashes for former lovers
nightmares chase me through the halls
and i scream all the time
but no one hears me
disappointment and disgust
i deserve such things, i expect them from the mirror
just another soulless bag of flesh and bones lost in the world
and who finds me in the corner?
and who saves me from myself?
and who breaks this cage made of skin?
does it matter?
tomorrow i'll just build a new one
i'll break everything i find until something final breaks me
and then, when i am broken, i'll climb in the tub and sleep

You want to get a hold of the LostGundam?  Try emailing her, she might even respond

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