This is written solely by me, I would be very hurt if anyone were to take it without asking first. If you want to use it or link to it from your own page, please ask me first.
What did I learn in my youth?
How to sleep in the fetal position or that cats don't like baths?
Where was I when I should have learned honesty?
I can't even write decent poetry to shine light on my problem.
I can't even talk about it with only my dog sitting by me.
My only solution is to shut up and cry. I'm so lost. I hate crying.
Who in their right mind would want to deal with this?
I want to be strong, I need to be strong. I can live alone, I have
been for so long, what is eternity?
I know there are no princes, no one to safe me. The rest of humanity is
busy trying to safe themselves, shouldn't I be doing the same?
Instead I continue to climb the stairs until I fall over the edge.
Isn't this a poor excuse for a cry for help.
want to get a hold of the LostGundam? Try emailing
her, she might even respond
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