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As Marketing Officer of ATB I was in a department called Local Area Marketing.  We were a small group whose primary function was to assist individual and groups of Branches meet their sales objectives.  A Branch's role to serve customers in day-to-day banking transactions.  Therefore, most Branch personnel couldn't tell the difference between a Target Market and a Super Market  (I can say this because I spent several years working in various branches). 

My role was to consult with Branches and Regions in all areas of marketing.   I would assist branches design marketing campaigns and then create custom marketing materials in order to execute the campaigns. 

One of my first tasks as Marketing Officer was to inform branches of my departments existence and the services we provided.  This led to "We Kick Ads".


One of my first projects was to assist the Redwater branch, a Town located approximately 30 minutes north east of Edmonton.  A competing financial institution was closing their branch and the Redwater ATB wanted a campaign to attract people who were affected by the rival's closure.  

This led to the "Here Today Here Tomorrow" advertising campaign created by Gordon Kowalski and myself.  The successful print campaign led to over 900 new accounts being opened at the Redwater branch.  

The phrase itself was so popular, it was adopted as the theme of ATB's 1998-2001 business plan. 

click to view memo from ATB President Paul Haggis

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