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Event sponsorship ads were one of my favourite assignments.  This was because the events that I was asked to create ads for ran the gamut.  If you could imagine it, chances are I've created an ad for it.  The publications my ads appeared in are as diverse as the events! I've been published in everything from opera programs, high school yearbooks, magazines and national newspapers.

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of event sponsorship ads was taking an event and then creating an ad which supported the event and promoted Alberta Treasury Branches.

I created this ad in support of the 125th anniversary of the North West Mounted Police.  In honor of the event, the original trek of the Mounties was re-enacted.

Towns in which the trek passed through ran this ad in local newspapers and souvenir books.











Airshows are major events across Alberta during the summer.  This particular ad was in support of ATB's sponsorship of the Lethbridge International Air Show.

The ad was printed in the Show's program book.  

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