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Ok, so right now your not likely to see any of my work here.  BwuHahahaha my stuff never sees the light of day.  I do however have some great pieces of work archived here of other authors.  These are some of my favorite pieces to read as well as just some superbly written stuff.  If any of the links are broken, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Happy Reading!

Rising Star - dhuron
(sequel to 'Jester Unmasked')
Warnings: Angst, OOC, AU, language, violence, shonin ai.
    Have a tissue in some of the darker moments.
Pairings: 1+2, 3+4 (soon)
[Prolouge][1][2][side story][3][4][5][6]

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Last updated on 6/24/02