Queen of the Shopping

Mandy has things to do today. She’s finally getting around to her list today. She looked at what she needed to do.

“Let’s see. Super glue, tomatoes, batteries, SIM card, nail polish…” she read to herself. Mandy narrowed her eyes and read over the list. A confused look came over her face.

“What is this?” she asked. She took a couple more minutes to read over the list. The intern looked more confused.

“Milk?” she asked. “When did I write down?” The device in her ear started ringing. She reached up and turned it on.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Mandy?” the boss asked.

“Boss?” the girl asked. “What is it? Did you write down milk on the list?”

“Milk? What are you talking about?” he asked. “That’s not what I called you for.”

“What did you call me for? What did you want?” Mandy asked.

“I am going to need you to pick up something for me,” the boss said. “I will send you the directions.”

“Okay…” Mandy said.

“It won’t take you long, I promise,” he said. “Five minutes at most.” The band on her wrist pinged. Mandy used her finger to move the screen. The map appeared in a hologram.

“Ah. I know where that is,” she said. “Sure.”

“Great! I knew I could depend on you,” the boss said. “Meet me at the Swordfish.”

“Yes sir,” Mandy said. She gave off a single salute. The boss hung up on his end of the line. Mandy looked at her list again. She stared at “milk” on the list. She still couldn’t figure it out. The girl shrugged to herself.

“I will figure it out later,” she said to herself. The girl put her notebook in her bag.

“Right,” she said. The girl marched straight into the mall. She was going to go in and out and get shit done. Good thing the boys weren’t here with her.