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-- duo maxwell --

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Name: Duo Maxwell

Name meaning: "Duo" means two in Spanish

Aliases: Pilot 02, The God of Death (Great Destroyer in edited version, Shinigami in Japanese)

Eye Colour: Cobalt Blue

Hair Colour: Chestnut Brown 

Braid Length (LOL): 110 cm 

Ethnicity: American

Height: 156 cm


Blood type:

First seen: Episode 1

Background Info: Duo is a war orphan who's never met his parents. His best freind died when a disease swept through their colony and the Alliance refused to provide the cure. He was a stowaway who was always moving, until the Maxwell curch took him in. Unfortunately, the church was taken over by rebels hiding from the Alliance, and for that was destroyed. In that moment his whole life was over, and he went back to his colonial drifting, until he was caught sneaking into Prof. G's ship. 

Character notes: Duo is like a dog, in the sense that he always seems happy. He is an extremely complex character. He acts the way he does to hide the massive amounts of remorse he has for the world. He pretty much fights so that innocent people won't have to, and called himself the God of Death to justify the massacres he knew he couldn't avoid. His cheerful attitude always seems to prevail over anything, even when everything else is impossibly Grim.

Voices: Duo is played by Seki Toshihiko and Scott McNeil. My preference is definitely Toshihiko, who I think is definitely the better of the two, especially since McNeil tends to overcompensate, and sometimes can't get sad enough.

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