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-- info --

-- home - info - my fandom - extras - links - contact --

Info here is divided into several sections. I've done my best to avoid spoilers, including removing character information about Zechs and Milliardo. So if you're puzzled about why certain information isn't here, its just because I don't want to spoil it for ANYONE.


-- show info --

- Brief Synopsis

 - Episode Summaries

 - Endless Waltz Synopsis

 - Endless Waltz Summary

-- characters --

Gundam Pilots

 - 01, Heero Yuy

 - 02, Duo Maxwell

- 03, Trowa Barton

 - 04, Quatre Raberba Winner

 - 05, Chang Wufei (or Wufei Chang)

Other Soldiers

 - Treize Khushrenada

 - Lady Une

 - Zechs Merquise

 - Lucrezia Noin

 - Duke Dermail

 - Col. Tubarov

 - Milliardo Peacecraft

 - Sally Po

 - Hilde Schubeiker

Civilians and others

 - Relena Darlian

 - Catherine Bloom

 - Dorothy Catalonia

 - The Gundam Scientists

 - Howard

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