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-- my fandom --

-- home - info - my fandom - extras - links - contact --

The reason that this is 'my fandom' and not just 'fandom' is that at the time I'm too busy to be running up a fandom area for others. Here you'll find Final Gundam, the story I wrote that the site is named after. Also you'll find other writings and artwork of mine, including an MS Paint created comic strip called "Mobile Suit Gundam What?!' which will begin after I've finished all my other priorities, and is intended to be what keeps people coming back to final gundam.

-- writings --

-Final Gundam Prologue Action/Adventure

Following a nightmare about a massacre, former Gundam pilot Heero Yuy starts searching for an answer when his dream comes true.

-Final Gundam Part I Action/Adventure

Daniel Black, a normal seeming youth, is recruited and tested to pilot against a new Gundam. The only problem is that the only proof that a new Gundam exists is a blurry photograph of a shadowy figure.

-- ms gundam what?!  --

coming soon!

-- artwork  --

coming soon!

<< graphics by dubird <<