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-- heero yuy --

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Name: Heero Yuy

Name meaning: "Hee" means "1" in Japanese

Aliases: Pilot 01

Eye Colour: Prussian Blue*

Hair Colour: Moss Green/Dark Brown 

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 156 cm


Blood type:

First seen: Episode 1

Background Info: Heero was trained from childhood as the apprentice to a hired assassin. After his father figure, Odin Lowe, was betrayed and murdered on the job, He had no one left and was left to survive on his own until discovered in an alley way by Dr. J

Character notes: As noted above, Heero is a professional mercenary with the skill to accomplish almost all missions assigned to him. His specialties are assassination, demolition, and strategy. While not as stealthy as Duo, he has his own ways of getting around unnoticed. He comes off as cold and heartless, but it is not clear if that's the way he really is. 

Also, its noticeable that his top priority at ALL times is confidentiality protection. He'll kill anyone and everyone who can compromise his mission, or even destroy his Gundam to ensure success.

Voices: Heero is played by Hikaru Midorikawa and Mark Hildreth (HM and MH, LOL). This is a strange case, since I really like both of them. They both seem to portray Heero in two, unique perspectives that both create a great character. Hildreth portrays a rock-solid Heero who never falters, and remains strong all the time. Midorikawa portrays a more mysterious Heero, a man who hid his past in order to have a future. Hildreth definitely has a cooler voice, but Midorikawa-sama was a bit more emotionally stimulating.

* Prussian Blue is named after a place called Prussia, which used to be in Germany. (I'm not sure where it is now) The colour Prussian Blue was the same colour that the coats of the soldiers in Prussia wore. Now get this: Prussia was reputed at the time to have the BEST soldiers in the whole world. And we all know Heero is the best soldier ever.

No social skills: When I was little, I wanted to be just as cool as Heero. Coincidentally, I've got almost no social skills. And I like to say "Nimh: Kandu" a lot. 

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