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-- quatre raberba winner --

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Name: Quatre Raberba Winner 

Name meaning: Quatre is français for "4." Raberba is derived from "Berber," which were a group of white Arabians. 

Aliases: Pilot 04

Eye Colour: Crystal Blue

Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde

Ethnicity: Arabian

Height: 156 cm


Blood type:

First seen: Episode 1

Background Info: Quatre is the only son of the Winners, a colonial family that used to practice pacifism in the Middle East. Quatre was told that he was a test-tube child, and felt that his life had no value. But when his shuttle was taken over by the Maganac corps, hiding from the Alliance. But they were betrayed and Quatre shot. with his remaining strength, he piloted Rashid's suit, to help them escape. Afterwards, he would be assigned to operation Meteor, against his father's wishes.

Character notes: Hard to imagine that Quatre was a brat at some point. Quatre is overly kind and friendly, fighting because he believes in peace so deeply. other than being all that, he was chosen because Instructor H was present the day Quatre helped the Maganacs, and saw that Quatre was a skilled pilot. Also, Quatre has been credited to be an excellent leader, capable of bringing the five pilots together.


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