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-- trowa barton --

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Name: Trowa Barton

Name meaning: Trowa is variation on "trois", french for three. 

Aliases: Pilot 03

Eye Colour: Dark Green

Hair Colour: Brown

Ethnicity: Latin-American?

Height:165 cm


Blood type:

First seen: Episode 1

Background Info: Trowa has no past. From as early as he can remember he's been raised by a mercenary corps, and had learned how to pilot a mobile suit at the age of twelve. After his corps had picked up a young girl, they were attacked and destroyed. Trowa figured out that the girl was a spy, but did not kill her. instead, he went up to space and became part of the work crew for the Gundam Heavyarms. He happened to witness the murder of its original pilot, and volunteered to replace him.

Character notes: Trowa had introduced him self as not having a name, but whatever he meant by that is shrouded in mystery, along with everything else about him. In fact, you could say he's even more so than Heero or anyone else. He has a very stoic personality, and very rarely breaks his calm, even in moments where one would need to in order to be human. He lives mainly with a traveling circus for cover, and knows many tricks (like that twirling jump). He does, however, look up to Heero like a role model, and does seem a little more nomal around him. But than again, anyone would seem more normal around Heero.

Voices: Trowa is played by Kirby Morrow and Shigeru Nakahara. As far as that goes, they're very similar in their acts, but Shigeru seems just a little too mature sounding.

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