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-- zechs merquise --

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Name: Zechs Merquise

Name meaning: "Zech" is German for 6.

Aliases: Lightening Baron, Lightening Count

Allegiance: OZ/Romefeller Foundation

Eye Colour: Nail Blue

Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde

Ethnicity: Northern European



Blood type:

First seen: Episode 1

Background Info: The mysterious Zechs Merquise comes from the Sanc Kingdom, a nation that was demolished by the Alliance thirteen years ago. He joined OZ to find the men responsible for the attack and kill them, and to help free other countries from Alliance control. 

Character notes: That mask isn't a sign of cowardice or being a super hero. Its the mask of shame, and he has to wear it because of the choices he made. He is a model soldier, having earned the nickname "Lightening Baron" for his style of combat. He is very quiet at times, but when he's ticked off, you'll see some of that lightening strike. Nothing short of mysterious, clues are dropped early on about ties between him, Relena, and an equally mysterious Milliardo Peacecraft. The truth will shock you there, no pun intended.


Baron or Count: At some point, his nickname was changed to the "lightening Count." Treize seemed to think it was more appropriate.

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