Paper Dolls
Not For Nice Girls

Crushed VioletsPhonebook



All paper dolls by The Queen of Blueberry Toast and colored by Zillah! [Visit Zillah's website here ^_^.]  Stealing them will relate in you car being pelted by rancid pancakes.  Don't ask, just trust us. 

Warning! The dolls themselves are NOT wearing any underwear.  That's why they're zipped (IE- you need winzip to view them).  Some of them have stiffies.  If you are offended by the male nude in all its glory... than what the hell are you doing here?

All of these dolls are saved in JPG (occasionally, zipped JPG) format.  They're the same resolution and all fit on single sheets of paper.  You may want to print at least the dolls on somewhat firmer stock, and always remember to set you printer resolution as high as it will go for best results. 


Schuldich Goes to Work
Stylin' Schuldich
Naughty Schuldich

Note: To properly enjoy Schuldich, please make incisions with an X-acto knife over the blue lines (Basically, you need to loosen a few locks of his hair so they don't end up covered by his clothes- no worries! I had a doll like this when I was little, it works.  Honest)...

Other Productions possibly coming soon...

Get to Know Me in the Biblical Sense Ken
You've Been a Bad Boy Brad
Trevor McGee Goes to Birdland (No, I'm not kidding)


Disclaimer: the writers of Screw You We Moved Fanfiction do not make any claim to series they used in their work.  Ideas and relationship expressed are probably not those of the rightful owners, but we can always hope.  Graphics now by this nice person!