New Stuff 14 Feb 2004

Crushed VioletsPhonebook



To contact the webmaster Vanyel about any broken links or other HTML issues, Press One.

To discuss fine romantic-era literature with Murasaki, Press Two.

To play Count the Phallic Symbols in FF7 with Kellios, Press Three.

To confess the impact Seymour Guado's hair has had on you, or someone you love, Press Four.

To interrupt Kwobtchan's quest for the connections between various animes and the Carebears, Press Five.

To reach everyone at once, please sign the guestbook.

If you believe you have reached this recording in error, please use one of the links to your left...

Disclaimer: the writers of Screw You We Moved Fanfiction do not make any claim to series they used in their work.  Ideas and relationship expressed are probably not those of the rightful owners, but we can always hope.  Graphics now by this nice person!