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Ideals: Hearth and Healing

Typical Appearance: Garlen usually manifests as a voluptuous woman, her arms spread wide in acceptance and invitation. On occasion, Garlen appears as a kindly, comfortable-looking man.

Common Elements: Homes, children, kaers, enclosed spaces, water

Powers: Garlen can heal the wounded, comfort the frightened, and travel instantly to any home.

Questors: Some call Garlen's questors the weaklings of the world, claiming that they seek the refuge of the hearth and embrace healing because they fear conflict. Nothing could be further from the truth. Watching over someone you love, daring to love them as they lie dying-these require a quiet strength that runs deeper than the strength required to slay any beast.

Most, though not all, of the questors of Garlen are women. Some believe that Garlen attracts women because she so often appears as one. Others speculate that the act of carrying unborn children within their bodies gives women a greater understanding and appreciation for life, and greater compassion for other living beings. Though Garlen's questors can be stern, they are unfailingly generous and understanding. Those who mistake their compassion for weakness, however, discover that Garlen's questors will not hesitate to act against those who would harm them or any they shelter. A famous story tells of five questors of Garlen who were visiting a village near Skypoint when Theranslave drivers raided the village. Garlen's questors cut down the Therans to the last man, staining their white robes with the blood of the attackers.

Commentary: During the Scourge, all the kaers and citadels called on Garlen for protection, and she remains one of the most widely revered Passions in Barsaive. People of all races call her the mother who cares for all, and Garlen considers all of Barsiave's Name-givers her children. Garlen and her questors offer healing to the sick and injured, and comfort to the dying. In a world filled with violence and danger, Garlen watches over those who shun adventuring for the comfort and safety of home, particularly families and children.


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