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Ideals: Growth, Care of the Land, Love of the Wilderness

Typical Appearance: Jaspree usually manifests as a male or female creature, half animal and half any Name-giver race.

Common Elements: Trees, farms, forests, seeds

Powers: Jaspree encourages growth in plants, animals and Name-givers; animates plants; speaks with animals; and travels through dirt as if swimming through water.

Questors: Many of Jaspree's questors live in solitude, taking care of small patches of forest. They protect the woodlands from those who would destroy them, for they value the lives of plants far above those of animals or Name-givers. All woodsmen take care not to anger these solitary folk, who will readily kill to protect the growing things they care for.

Other, more social questors belong to farming communities and protect the lives of animals and Name-givers as well as the lives of plants. Though they will harm intruders who try to burn the crops of a village or town, they understand that communities of Name-givers need to sow fields in order to eat, and accept that some forests must die in the process. These questors see life as an endless cycle of death and rebirth, and accept both as having equal worth. Jaspree's questors often embark on journeys and adventures to learn more about the plant life of the world, to plant trees and flowers in barren lands, and to protect endangered lands rich in plant life.

Commentary: Countless Name-givers have invoked Jaspree's name during the past hundred years as people across Barsaive have revived farmlands and forests devastated during the Scourge. Moved by his deep love of all growing things, Jaspree has answered the call of his followers. He wanders under the deep shadows cast by towering trees and stops to smell the smallest wildflowers that line Barsaive's well-traveled roads. Thanks to his aid, the world has grown green and rich with life in the years since the end of the Scourge.


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