Ideals: Manipulation, DeceitEarthdawn is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Earthdawn material Copyright 1994-1998 by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks at this WWW site should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.Typical Appearance: Vestrial usually manifests as a humanoid form, wearing a dark hood and cloak.
Common Elements: An assassin's dagger, blood, ambush
Powers: Vestrial can confuse listeners, beguile people with lies, discover a person's true desire, and travel instantaneously within a mile of any place where someone has just uttered a lie.
Questors: The questors of Vestrial scurry about the world dressed in the black cloaks of their Passion, carrying out the Mad Passion's schemes. They often have no idea what they are doing or why. Frequently, different groups of questors unknowingly work at cross-purposes, and Vestrial reveals his true intentions only after the efforts of both groups have gone to waste. Despite this seeming disorganization, the questors of Vestrial should not be taken lightly. For every ten mindless rabble among them, one intelligent questor can be found guiding his fellows through brilliant plans. Ten years ago, one such questor almost assassinated the heir to the throne of Throal. In fact, the precision, subtlety, and effectiveness of such plots have led some to suggest that the buffoonery and incompetence of the most visible questors actually hides countless unrecognized and frighteningly brilliant questors of Vestrial within society at large. If true, such questors might masquerade as village leaders, judges, kings, and traders for years, waiting for the right moment to strike and take control of all Barsaive.
Commentary: Before the Scourge, Vestrial was the prankster Passion, blending good humor with trickery to puncture the overblown egos of the arrogant. Insanity took hold of him during the Scourge, however, making him as arrogant as the former butts of his jokes. Seeing himself as the sole inheritor of all the world's Passion-worshipers, he creates elaborate plans for world conquest that his questors enthusiastically carry out. He uses his vast intelligence to spin webs of intrigue that no one save himself can understand. Some believe that Vestrial has woven so many plots and deceits that even he has lost track of the ends he originally desired.