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The Passions of Barsaive

The Passions shape the spiritual beliefs and customs of Barsaive's people. According to many of Barsaive's finest scholars, the Passions are living embodiments of the life force of the universe, giving shape and form to the collective emotions and ideals of the world such as Love, Wealth, or Growth. As the universe nurtures an Adept to keep the energies of life alive in the world, so the Passions nourish the many people who cannot find the strength or patience to become Adepts or magicians. The Passions serve as intermediaries between these common folk and the awesome power of the universe.

Those who channel the power of the Passions are called questors. These men and women draw their extraordinary powers from the Passions, rather than directly from the universal life force. The life force of the universe flows through the Passions, who transmit this power to their questors. These questors, in turn, bring the Passions to the common folk across the world. Following a Passion gives a questor the same kind of focus an Adept receives by following the tenets of his Discipline. The questor's life becomes a living metaphor for the ideals embodied by his chosen Passion; throughout his life, he expresses those ideals in his every word and action. Most questors fervently and vividly live out this commitment, adding as much color and energy to the world as magicians and Adepts.

Most observers assume that what we know of the Passions holds true for the world outside Barsaive. It would be odd indeed if the universe interacted with our world in different ways from place to place. Yet ours is an odd world, and perhaps the universe's connection to it does change. The Passions we know in Barsaive may not exist on the other side of the globe; other Passions as yet unknown may take their place. More likely, men and women in distant lands know the same Passions but call them by different names. Whatever the truth, the reader will find in these pages all that we know of the Passions of Barsaive.

The Nature Of Passions

Passions In Conflict


Worship Of The Passions

The following descriptions reflect the common understanding of the Passions. However, our knowledge of these mysterious and powerful beings is almost certainly neither complete or entirely correct.

Each entry begins with a list of the ideals, typical appearance, and common elements associated with each Passion. The Ideals represent the universal concepts and emotions the Passion embodies; the Passion’s questors focus on these qualities. Typical Appearance describes the Passion’s usual manifestation. Common Elements include sights, sounds, textures, and other phenomena that usually accompany any manifestation of the Passion. These common elements often appear in the dreams of an individual thinking about the Passion or the ideals it embodies, and the presence of such common elements may also indicate that the Passion is nearby or easily summoned. Powers refers to the unique, personal abilities each Passion possesses. Questors describe the typical appearance and behavior of each Passion’s questors. Finally,Commentary offers a brief description of each Passion’s nature and personality.













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