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The people of Barsaive hold spiritual beliefs based on their faith in the Passions, but no Barsaivian race or community has established a formal religious institution. None of the Passions has any organized following, though questors of a particular Passion often form small bands to achieve a common purpose. The Passions apparently have chosen to propagate their ideals through their questors rather than through institutions or written laws that are vulnerable to error and misinterpretation.

Though the people of Barsaive do not form organized religions centered on the Passions, they do worship the Passions. Most believe in all the Passions, appealing to whatever Passion best meets their current needs.

Some people, including the questors, worship one Passion over the others. Though they recognize the existence of other Passions, they believe the ideals of their chosen Passion are superior. These worshippers often express their beliefs by stating that they follow the ideals of their chosen Passion. For example, a farmer who worships Jaspree might say, "I follow the ideals of Jaspree." Many questors make such statements, the most common method of declaring worship.

Unlike questors, Name-givers rarely declare a belief in only one of the Passions. Most people accept the entire pantheon of Passions and would fear losing a Passion's protection by proclaiming that they did not believe in it.


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