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It was the last night and just look at how excited these boys are, they were well up for it...

pointing was the gimmick and the night looked destined for failure...

however. colin thought otherwise and with a cheeky wink was off in search of a ladyfriend to feel up...

easy for the man with the winning smile! and where's that hand wondering off to?
trying to get a look down that poor girls bra colin?

kev stepped in with his winning smile and judging by the bird on the left looked like he was onto a winner...

but alas the women were more interested in each other, yeeeeeeeha!

introducing johny! the man with the hundred yard stare...

wondering what happened to me and chris? no? well this photo speaks for itself...

we were of course off home to play with chris' extra long flute, westside style.

sooooo, how did kev's night pan out? well here's a clue,
that's his chin on the left, a pair of stringy pink knickers on the right with a condom tied to them! don't ask!


mr security                    the pool                    last night

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