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The Teachers of past & present
  Lao Tzu          Buddha        Sai Baba        Shirdi Sai       Jesus

                       Click on the links to find out more about the Great Masters  

 It is important that we remember to give thanks to all teachers past and present ,Who through there Dedication ,Faith & Love for all sanched beings did dedicate there life to the upliftment of the spirit Above are links to Great Teachers who through there compassion & Love for all life gave of themselves so we may find a path to understanding our true nature.
Of course there are in fact many more Such Deities that have and do walk the face of this Earth,
Links to other equally great teachers below !

In fact Many more !
Although there faces may differ the unitary message is the same. I have come to understand that it does not matter what path we walk,Or witch face we connect to,For they are all the faces of the one God, And the one Unitary message.
More important is it for us to occupy our mind inwardly and our efforts on our own path !
In doing this , Just as the seedling grows towards the sun ,We to elevate our spirit & cultivate the fruit that the spirit feeds upon while on the path to self realization.
This will cultivate the mind needed to walk your path.