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How to find a path in modern times.

The first  thing that can help us on our journey is understanding that there are many roads to self realization or God, & that this path may change as you cultivate spiritually,This is the reason behind there being various paths , Your life's experiences have led you to this place in your existence & these same experiences have led you to your beliefs, For this reason you are the best judge to know your path, It will be one that coincides with your understandings & beliefs,
It does not matter how god is presented  to you,Or what path you follow, For God has many faces, & there are many roads,You need to decide on a face that is the most familiar to your beliefs and customs.
If you do not have a face to put to God just meditate on the word god and a face will appear !.
The Om meditation is very effective for this purpose.
Even if a face doesn't appear Remember that God is Spirit & has no form , The forms that we see are manifestations of this God spirit Purely for our benefit & are there so we can align ourselves to a path of cultivation.
Try to understand that although the manifestations of God differ from Devotee to Devotee all Devotees are praying to the one God. So although another's path may differ from your own path
Be aware that no matter the path the goal is the same , Although the journeys differ the destination is the same ,Which is to Cultivate the spirit & finally return to our beginnings and to understand our true nature & to become one with God.
I have found that this level of understanding is not shared by all. That is the way that it is. & it is not our place to try and change the way that others think, for we could not even if we tried.
They are where they are meant to be at that time in there existence, As we are , This is how we grow as spiritual beings, This is the difference between being on a path & following another's path.
You will become aware of things as & when you need to .In this way you will truly understand this knoll age when it appears to you.
All of our efforts should be stared inwardly  into ourselves .
Everything that manifests in our life's is an effect brought about by our own actions.
Therefor this is where we need to start .
And this is the Function of the Swami Foundation ,To Help you on your path to self realization !
However Is is important that you remember this on your journey
Understand that God Is Love,
Fill Your path with Love, No matter your path Let love guide you and teach you.
For God is love.
Fear is the obstacle to overcome,God has no connection to fear,though many may use it in his name.
Be aware that any path that uses fear as a tool to promote itself is not a path aligned with god.
Fear is the manifestation of man and has no place in the teachings of god.
However you see God weather by a face or by a spirit or destination love is the way to reach this destination & a way of becoming one with God.



Welcome to our site !

This site is for all those who are on a path of Cultivation ,No matter the path, May  love Guide you, & may the realization that you are not alone give you the strength to follow your path & not to deviate from it. I also realize that there are many different paths to understanding our true nature,Each path suited to individual spiritual levels.
I realize that it is becoming increasingly difficult to cultivate in modern society,Especially with the distractions of modern life that  each & every one of us have to face each day.
This is why I have started the Foundation ,May it form as
 a place where we can come together to strengthen the mind & body & work towards cultivating the spirit.
It does not matter your path allow Love
to guide you, Virtue to steer you,& understanding & compassion to keep    you centered,

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