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Here at the Swami Foundation we recognize the many different levels of healing.There is healing on an emotional level, Healing on a physical level, & Healing on a spiritual level.All 3 of these levels are connected together & if one is unbalanced the others are effected.
This is why many healing methods practiced today only offer short term relief or work as a way of hiding or covering the symptoms of the ailment & not the dealing with the ailment itself.
 Nearly all Illnesses derive there beginnings from such imbalances resulting in the person becoming ill or being effected physiologically.
Here at the Swami Foundation Swami has developed advanced healing methods that will balance these energies thus revitalizing the practitioners energies ,Boosting there immune systems and giving them back there love of life.
REMEMBER that you don't have to be ill to benefit from Swami's various training techniques
.If you are healthy why not stay healthy & have your meridians opened and cleared of stagnant chi etcYou can do things now that will go towards insuring you lead a long happy healthy life.
Check out our list of techniques available to the left of the screen.