Title: Catch It

Author: Elandae

Pairing: Craig/Karl

Rating: PG

Summary: Craig’s got a cold.

Disclaimer: Don’t know them; make no money from this and so on.

Dedication:  For my snuffly, stuffed up darling, Daea! *hugs*


            Craig lay back on the couch, surrounded by tissue boxes and glasses of juice. He sniffled miserably, looking across the room at Karl, who just laughed.


“It’s not funny,” Craig said, his brow furrowing as he pouted.


“From over here, it rather is.”






“Don’t make fun.”


“Aw, poor Craig.” Karl crossed the room, kneeling down next to Craig on the couch. “You really feed bad there, baby?”


“Uh huh,’ Craig said, his voice pitiful and he looked up at Karl with wide blue eyes.


Karl pressed a soft kiss to Craig’s forehead, smoothing the hair back.


“Shove over.” Karl said, standing up.




“Move over,” he said, climbing over Craig to settle himself next to him on the couch. He curled into the warmth of Craig’s body.


“You’re going to catch this, you know,” Craig said, sniffling as he spoke.


“Probably,” Karl said, “but at least I’ll have fun catching it.”

