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Lord of the Rings RPS:


RPS meaning Real Person Slash. The fics here all contain real people. No offense is intended and no claims are made, these are purely for entertainment and no profit is made.


After the Storm Part 1/2 (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) R

After The Storm Part 2/2 Karl Urban/Craig Parker) R

Black (DW) PG-13

Boundaries Series

Catch It (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) PG

Changing (Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom) PG-13

Control Me (Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen) NC-17

Definition (Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen) PG-13

Dessert's On You (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) NC-17

Do You Sleep? (David Wenham) PG

Domestic Abilities (Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair) R

Early Mornings (Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen) PG

Empty (Elijah Wood) R

Freckles (Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair) R

Hearsay (Orlando Bloom/Various) PG

Honor Bound series

Just Him (?/?) PG  drabble

Logical (Viggo Mortensen/Dominic Monaghan) R

Lullaby (Karl/Viggo) G

Melt (Sean Bean/Elijah Wood) R

Memories (Craig Parker/??) PG-13

More (Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean) R

More Than Words (Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean) G

My Kind of Yellow (Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean) PG

Near Miss (David Wenham/ ?) R

Need Craig Parker/Karl Urban R  drabble

Now (Sean Bean/Elijah Wood) PG-13

Oblivious (Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom) R

On the Side (Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair) R

One Good Turn (Karl Urban/Dave Wenham) R

One Upped (no set pairing) R

Purest Blue ?/? R drabble

Right-Hand Man (Craig/Craig's hand, implied Craig/Karl) R

Room With A View (David Wenham/Various) R

Savor (Viggo Mortensen/Marton Csokas) NC-17

Simplicity (Karl Urban/Dave Wenham) R

Senses (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) R

Shades of Gray (?/?) R

Shadows (Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen) R

Sharp (Sean Bean/Elijah Wood) R

Shiver (Sean Bean/Elijah Wood) R

Skirts (Billy Boyd/Dominic Monaghan) R

Stick (?/?) R

Sway (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) PG-13

The Sniffles (Viggo Mortensen/Hugo Weaving) G

Things Best Unseen (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) R

Viggo's Misadventures in Non-Reading (Viggo/Dom) PG-13

Voices (Karl Urban/?) R

Warm (Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair) R

Without A Word (Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair) PG-13 'sequel to Voices'

With You (Karl Urban/Craig Parker) NC-17

Wondered (Bernard/Elijah) G






The fabulously dashing man laughed as he molested brandy snifters with a loud cackle.        You're more pants than woman....     Do you even know what a banana hammock is?       In the night there comes a man who is both flashing and flamboyant and he will steal the arch of your socks lest you be watchful as he doth approach